Pitecanthropus Dubuis

Pitecanthropus Dubuis


When translated into a kind of ape man walking upright is a kind of dubious early humans. Because the fossils found in the Sangiran area but the skull structure and bone is not mutalk included in the physical characteristics of early humans pitecanthropus and meganthropus species. The findings and research of a Dutch archaeologist is an important finding. Although for some Indonesian citizens the excavations and expeditions are considered as coercion and also the occupation of rights.

Our citizens are also forced to be employed to become diggers. And according to historical records, many victims have fallen from the Indonesian nation, but in a cunning and neat way, the archaeologists from the Netherlands who diboyi by the colonial government, has managed to bring a propaganda in the form of fossil discovery of early humans of this type. so that it makes the working system in the expedition rodi excavation did not appear appointed in public. Due to the large number of findings in the area around the Bengawan Solo river, the researchers made the soil layer in the area into three layers:

  • Layer Jetis, which ancient human species Pitecanthropus Robustus has been found or also known as a layer of lower pleistosen.
  • The Trinil layer, which an early human Pitecanthropus Erectus found. In the layer is also known as the middle pleistosen layer.
  • The layer of Ngandong, which is an ancient human type of Pitecanthropus Soloensis has been found. And we also recognize it as the lower pleistocene layer.

And with these traits, Meganthropus has a strong and sturdy physical form. And also with the abundant amount of plants which is the main food. The researchers estimate the early humans of Meganthropus species to live in a group way and also tend to settle in a place. Changes in culture and social life is indeed not the same as in the present. But there is true and intense research, their lives can be predicted.

Coupled with a lot of support that is very influential for the Netherlands, it makes the Indonesian nation very difficult to realize independence. In solving the conflict between the Dutch and Indonesia does not only involve the two countries, but also various other countries.

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