Legend of the Mermaid Princess

Mermaid Princess, or more popularly known as the Mermaid, is a mythological creature that supposedly has a woman from the waist to the head, namung the bottom of her body resembles a fish.



Ceasg or read "Kee-ask" is a legend of mermaids from highland Scotland who is described to have the figure of half a woman and half a salmon. According to the legend Ceasg classified creature is quite powerful, because it can realize the 3 requests of people who managed to catch it. But this is not easy because in the legend Ceasg also described as a creature that has the ability to attract men. The guys who are enamored with Ceasg, usually will die tragically and the only way to save themselves is by killing the mermaid.

But to be able to kill Ceasg, is not an easy thing, because this creature supposedly put his soul on "Horcrux" (dead objects) similar to the character of Voldemort in the Harry Potter movie. So even if his body is injured or even burned, Ceasg will never die because his soul is elsewhere. They will only die if their Horcruxes are found and destroyed. The Ceasg horcrux itself is usually a snail shell or sea shell that they hide on the seabed so that no human can be found.

In addition to the above story is quite creepy, Ceasg actually still have another legend that mentions if anyone who managed to make a true love with this mermaid then Ceasg will turn into a human and live on land. If it is so said Ceasg will not only grant 3 requests, the man he loved but also bring good luck to the life of the man until the end of his life. Although it sounds like a fairy tale, however, some families in Scotland claim that they are descendants of mermaid and human couples.

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