the shadow of your face


Jika kau bintang yang bersinar di malam terang
Ijinkan aku tetap memandang mu
Hingga aku merasakan kilauan cahayanya
Mampu membasuh hati ku..

Walau pagi menjelang
Walau kau telah menghilang
Aku tetap menunggu..

Menunggu malam datang meradukan kita
Dalam penantian ku
Ku bait-kan berjuta puisi untuk keindahan mu
Untuk mu....hanya untuk mu..

Hingga kau mengerti betapa sucinya cinta ku
Walau awan putih coba menggoda ku
Atau bahkan merayu ku
Tetap ku tunggu
Karena di hati ini telah tertanam bintang secantik dan seindah dirimu..


If you're a star that shines on a bright night
Let me still look at you
Until I felt the glow of the light
Able to wash my heart ..

Though it was early morning
Though you have disappeared
I'm still waiting ..

Waiting for the night to come to us
In my wait
I will write millions of poems for your beauty
For you .... just for you ..

Until you understand how sacred my love is
Although white clouds try to tease me
Or even seduce me
I keep waiting
Because in this heart has embedded the star as beautiful and beautiful as you ..

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