scratch sores


Pada malam ingin kuceritakan,
Tentang resah yang tertahan
Melalui goresan pena kujelaskan
Aksara kususun rapi perlahan

Pada malam ingin kusampaikan,
Tentang sepi yang kian mencumbui
tanpa perasaan
Begitu pun bayangmu, mengusik ingatan
Tanpa peduli lelah memeluk pikiran

Pada malam ingin kutanyakan,
mengapa kau begitu hening, bahkan
sedari tadi tak ada perbincangan,
sedang disampingmu ada rembulan?


On the night I want to tell you,
About restless restlessness
Through the stroke of the pen I explained
The script is neatly arranged

On the night I want to say,
About the loneliness that is growing more
without feeling
So even your shadow, disturbing the memory
No matter how tired of embracing the mind

On the night I wanted to ask,
why are you so quiet, even
there was no talk,
Is there a moon beside you?

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