
Tirmidhi narrated from Abu Hurayrah who said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said, "When Allah created Adam and blew his soul, he sneezed, he said' Alhamdulillah ', he praised God with His permission. So his Lord said to him, 'May Allah grace you, O Adam. Go to the Angels, some of them who are sitting. Say, 'Assalamu'alaikum!'

They replied, 'Wa'alaikas salamu warahmatihi'.

Then Adam returns to his Lord, and God says, 'Truly it is your reverence and the honor of your children among them.' Then God said to Adam, while His hands clenched, 'Choose one of both that you will.'

Adam replied, 'I chose the right hand of my Lord and the two hands of my Lord are the blessed righteous.' Then God opened it. It turned out that there was Adam and his grandchildren.

Adam asked, 'Yes Robbi, who are they?'

God replied, 'They are your grandchildren.'

It turns out the age of all humans has been written between his eyes. Among them there is a man whose brightest light or including the brightest light. Adam asked, 'Ya Rabbi, who is this?'

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