Roses # photography

Hello everyone.

Tonight I will share a photography of a very beautiful red rose.

I photographed it a few days ago on the home page of one of my best friend's steemian, here are many types of ornamental flowers other than roses, because his wife is an ornamental flower collector, I often come here to photograph some flowers for my posting material.


Hello everyone.
Malam ini saya akan membagikan sebuah photography setangkai mawar merah yang sangat cantik.
Saya memotretnya beberapa hari yang lalu di halaman rumah salah seorang steemian sahabat saya, Disini banyak jenis bunga hias selain mawar, karena istrinya adalah seorang kolektor bunga hias,saya sering kesini untuk memotret beberapa bunga untuk bahan postingan saya.



follow me @abuderih

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