Being dug up or

The soil should be plowed and hoeed
deep enough. The purpose of ground
ing is to turn the soil and soil the soil.
Clay despit
e being dug up or plowed became loose,
hoe deep
er (3040 cm) and are given organic fertilizer
, such as compost or ma
nure and sand can be added. If the organic
fertilizer is limited, then it is sufficient at a distance of
60 x 60 cm.
Organic fertilizers, sand and
soil are mixed evenly. Organic fertilizers i
n addition to soil mengg
emburkan also can add nutrients. Organic
fertilizers should be cooked or already become soil. Ra
w fertilizer is usually s
till hot so it can cause th
e chili plants to wither and die. 3.
Beding beds can be made with a width of
about 90, 100 or
125 cm by looking at soil condition
s. Bed height of about 20 farms often
ter30 cm, depend
ing on the
state of the land, if genang wat
er during rainy season, the beds
are enhanced. Distance between beds

# @abangmadrid
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