A drop of your blood is precious to them

Coincidentally, we went to the mosque to pray the Friday prayers in our blood. accidentally there is a blood transfusion car belonging to the Red Cross Indonesia, carrying out a social activity of blood donation for the congregational prayers jum`at.


This activity is one of the social actions of the worshipers jum`at prayers to donate a drop of blood to help those who desperately need a donor.

How can it be shared that every hospital always lacks even lack of stock of blood bags intended for patients in need.

Donating our blood is a very noble and humble activity, only certain people and understand about it who wants to do it regularly.

In principle donating blood is also part of maintaining health, meaning that the position of the area that exists in our body is always changing with the emergence of new blood cells. essentially blood donors in addition to maintaining health also got a very unusual reward virgin...

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