Who is a slime ball?


The real slime balls are the folks who killed President Kennedy.

E. Howard Hunt of the CIA stated on video, in 2007, that he helped kill Kennedy and he named the other CIA men involved, including Frank Sturgis and Cord Meyer.

In 1985, in court testimony (Hunt v Liberty Lobby), CIA asset Marita Lorenz stated that she helped Frank Sturgis bring the guns to Dallas to kill President Kennedy and that E. Howard Hunt met them in Dallas.

The Bushes and Rockefellers were running the CIA when the CIA killed Kennedy.

E. Howard Hunt also went to jail for organizing the Watergate break-in with CIA men, which brought down President Nixon in the Watergate Investigation.

Cord Meyer worked closely with Ben Bradlee at the Washington Post. Their wives were sisters. Ben Bradlee created the Watergate scandal with CIA oversight.

The Bradlees, Meyers, and Jack and Jackie Kennedy often socialized together. Mary Pinchot Meyer used to take walks with Jackie. After she divorced Cord Meyer, Mary had a two year long affair with President Kennedy right up until the day he died. E. Howard Hunt said that Cord Meyer helped to kill Kennedy.

The long-time Bush/Rockefeller man and former CIA controller Henry Kissinger was Hillary’s campaign adviser in 2016. The coup he helped to plan in 1973 killed the President of Chile to prevent the nationalization of Rockefeller industry in Chile.

The Rockefeller commercial banks, Chase and Citi, were among Hillary’s top donors in 2016. They also financed Jeb Bush during the primaries.

The Kissinger/Rockefeller-run Hillary campaign financed the Steele Dossier, which led to the Mueller Investigation, which was an attempt to oust Trump.

What did Kennedy, Nixon, and Trump do to deserve this?

All three supported CIA coups but not the Rockefeller Establishment wars, enough, for the international bankers and industrialists.

The real slime balls are the biggest international bankers, who are behind our oil wars.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created and run the private Council on Foreign Relations, which influences US foreign policy (oil wars).

Obama and McCain were both financed by the Big Four US Banks as their top donors in 2008.

Obama’s adviser on oil wars in eight nations was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was David Rockefeller’s right hand man.

As Americans, we have borrowed over six trillion dollars to kill over two million perfectly good human beings for control of their oil for the biggest bankers.

The banks and defense corporations are among the top donors of the members of Congress that we elect. They mostly do what their top donors want.

The Rothschild and Rockefeller oil corporations now control Iraq’s oil. They sell it mostly to China.

The US, British, Israelis, and Saudis supported the same wing of al Qaeda, in Syria, that flew planes into the WTC towers on 9/11. Israel and the Saudis admitted to supporting ISIS and al Qaeda.
US General Michael Flynn got into serious legal trouble in revenge for saying that the Obama administration knowingly supported ISIS and al Qaeda, while the father of CIA support for the Mujahideen, Brzezinski, was Obama’s oil war adviser.

ISIS and al Qaeda morphed out of the Mujahideen.

The Muslim extremist groups in Syria were supported by the US Coalition and fought as allies to the US coalition against the government of Syria, while the US used them as a reason for being in the Middle East.

Joe Biden is for oil wars in Iran and Venezuela which Trump refused to start.

Joe Biden’s top donors include the Rockefeller commercial banks.

Joe Biden is a Council on Foreign Relations man.

If you don’t think that the Council on Foreign Relations is for slime balls, then you are a slime ball, too.

Biden wants to tax is to pay for wars to kill children in Iran and Venezuela.

Just respond with a laughing emoji if you are a slime ball for Biden who wants the US to kill more children for more oil for Biden’s top donors.

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