The Origin of Aceh Coffee


Hi friend and master of Steamians .. Aceh coffee originated from the Netherlands brought by a Dutch businessman in the XVII century through Batavia (now Jakarta) and then into Aceh. The first coffee introduced was Arabica type coffee which later developed with a more diverse type. In the world, coffee can be divided into 2 groups by type, namely Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee. In Aceh these two types of coffee are cultivated by the local community. Arabica coffee is commonly cultivated in the highlands of Gayo Land, including Takengon, Southeast Aceh, and Gayo Lues. While in Pidie (mainly Tangse and Geumpang) and Aceh Barat, people prefer to develop Robusta coffee.

Aceh's lush natural conditions, combined with favorable weather, have made Aceh's coffee plants thrive into a high-quality, profitable commodity. Indonesia is the world's fourth largest exporter of coffee beans, and Aceh is one of the largest coffee producers capable of producing about 40% of the premium Arabica beans of total coffee harvest in Indonesia.

Kopi Ulee Kareng
Ulee Kareeng is one of the sub-districts of Banda Aceh, the capital of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. Ulee Kareng is famous for its Ulee Kareng coffee. Many say if you have not stopped by and tasted coffee at one of the coffee shops in Ulee Kareng, then you have not complete your trip in the city of Banda Aceh. One of the other characteristics of Ulee Kareng coffee is its very dark color.
Ulee Kareng coffee beans are produced from selected quality coffee beans from Lamno, Aceh Jaya District. The coffee beans are produced by small and medium enterprises. By the locals, this high-quality coffee powder is then uniquely processed, from grinding to filtering into a drink in a separate way. This is why Aceh coffee, especially coffee Ulee Kareng is then transformed into an icon of Aceh itself. The awesomeness of Aceh's coffee aroma has long been legendary in Indonesia, and is now also worldwide thanks to the large number of coffee lovers from international workers who came and lived in Aceh for many years to reconstruct Aceh after the tsunami.

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Processing of Coffee Beans

To get the unique quality and taste that is unique, Aceh coffee beans through a long process. First of all, usually, coffee beans are in diesel for 4 hours. After reaching the maturity of 80%, the coffee beans are mixed with sugar and butter with a certain dose. Then the cooked coffee beans are ground until smooth. This process evokes a strong aroma of coffee, a clean and sour taste.
What makes Aceh coffee more interesting is its distinctive way of presentation that is different from the way coffee is served anywhere in the world. Coffee brewed with water kept steady. The steaming coffee is filtered repeatedly with a strainer made of cloth, then poured from one kettle to another. The result is a very solid coffee, fragrant, and clean without containing coffee powder.

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The process of coffee presentation in aceh

Enjoying Aceh's coffee not only enjoys the taste, but also the cultural tradition. In Aceh, coffee shops are gathering places, meeting and discussing topics. For Acehnese, visiting coffee shops is an integral part of everyday activities. There they socialize and establish hospitality while enjoying coffee. They come to enjoy coffee, as a place to meet friends or business associates, or just simply unwind. "All the problems must be finished in the coffee shop", said the Acehnese.

Gayo Coffee
Gayo is the name of the tribe that inhabits this area. The majority of Gayo people work as Coffee Farmers, making Gayo coffee one of the leading commodities of the Gayo Highlands, Gayo Coffee plantations have been developed since 1908, thriving and scattered in Bener Meriah and Central Aceh districts. These two areas are located at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level, have the largest coffee plantations in Indonesia with an area of about 81,000 ha, and is the largest center of Arabica Coffee Production in Asia.

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Gayo coffee products are packaged modern

Gayo coffee is one of the typical coffee from Aceh Nusantara quite popular by various circles in the world. Gayo coffee has a very distinctive aroma and flavor. Most of the coffee is there, leaving a bitter taste on the tongue. The genuine taste of Gayo coffee lies in the aroma of fragrant coffee and savory taste is hardly bitter. Some even argue that the taste of Gayo coffee exceeds the taste of Blue Mountain coffee originating in Jamaica.

One taste test is performed by Christopher Davidson one of the international cupper. Christopher said that Gayo coffee has its own uniqueness known as "heavy body and light acidity", a sensation of hard taste when coffee is gulped and arousing aroma.

The aroma of Aceh coffee will further explore the world when this coffee has become one of the menus in the international coffee shop, Starbucks Coffee. A sip of coffee from Aceh will reach the tongue of people from abroad. Unbeatable enjoyment when sipping Aceh coffee will be enjoyed by other world citizens. In short, once tried Aceh coffee, guaranteed to fall in love. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow must return to feel the pleasure of the aroma again. Thus the discussion of the origins of aceh coffee..

Best regards @udinleo


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