The emerging power of Public Opinion

The emerging power of Public Opinion

1. Introduction
2. Public Opinion as a power
3. How Public Opinion has emerged
i. Increased availability of Internet
ii. Electronic Media
iii. Social Media Website
4. Importance of emerging Public Opinion
i. Public opinion is the backbone of Democratic Government
ii. Better Living Conditions
iii. Sense of satisfaction among the masses
iv. Egalitarian Society
5. Impacts of powerful public opinion on:
i. Governance
ii. State Relations with other States
6. Ignoring public opinion may lead to:
i. Autocratic Government
ii. Uneven distribution of Resources
iii. Extremism
7. Steps needed to encourage public opinion
8. Conclusion

Public opinion is the general attitude, opinions, responses, and mentality of people in a society. It can be a powerful force, if used properly, for the achievement of certain social objectives. Public opinion has emerged tremendously in past few decades with the rise in the usage internet, social media and electronic media. Public opinion is an important aspect good governance because it can be used for equal distribution of resources to satisfy the needs of masses, equally. Similarly, a distinguished public opinion can affect state’s internal and external policies in the international system. On the other hand, in autocratic government, public opinion is suppressed and ignored, which gradually leads to poverty, economic gap and desperation in the society. Therefore, policymakers must handle public opinions prudently during the process of developing developmental plans.

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