Espionage (colloquially, spying) is the
obtaining of secret or confidential information
without the permission of the holder of the
information. Spies help agencies uncover
secret information. Any individual or spy
ring (a cooperating group of spies), in the
service of a government , company or
independent operation, can commit
espionage. The practice is clandestine, as it
is by definition unwelcome and in many cases
illegal and punishable by law.

Prior to my completing my post graduate degree in Space and Aviation Physics NASA had drafted me to work in the aviation department as their space wave analyst. I'd just completed the days work and couldn't wait to relax in a hot tub and my bed afterwards with a book until sleep evade me. I drove a raunchy mustang that had been handed down to me by my father. My phone beeped and it was a reminder from Adaline in the computing department that we were meeting at a bar close to the office for a few drinks. A girl in they space engineering program had just gotten engaged to her man.
I sighed and entered my car, drove down to the bar to have a drink, unwind a bit and head home. I got there in time and got a drink and chit chatted with a few familiar faces. That's when I looked up and there he stood : a sight for my sore and tired eyes. He literally took my breath away and I wondered what someone so beautiful was doing looking at me this way. I always had a nervous tick so when he walked down the few steps to where I sat I was full blown nervous.
His name was Dean, and this was going to be the start of something dangerous. scaletowidth.jpeg
He was everything I wanted and more and this just went without saying. He was "the man" for 2 whole months until I discovered he wasn't completely honest about some things. First off his name wasn't Dean he was a Russian who'd polished his looks and English to be a Dean. His was Allan Petrovic and he was going to be my downfall.
He was sent to get top secret information about the space activities of my country and I was his lair. Dean or was it Allan would feign interest in my day to day activities just so he could report back to his handlers back in Russia .

I remember the first tell was his seven other international passports with different names and occupation, then came the late night outings that I couldn't control. By the 7th month we had fallen hopelessly in love with each other and this was his only truth. "He loved me beyond all reasonable doubt "

It was late NASA had traced the information leaks to me and I was suspended and put on a trial for aiding a spy. Allan tried to get us out of the country but we get all the evil we do sown back to us in a thousand fold don't we. His handlers had gotten wind of what had gone down and had sent cleaners to take care of the situation.

In his last note to me he wrote "I'd be with you in a heartbeat if we get a chance again" Allan was the spy who loved me![original.jpg](
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