The Genetic Time Machine Of YOU...

Man has had a fascination with the idea of time travel...

For at least decades, curious minds have pondered the possibility of traveling back and forth on the timeline, into the past and future - leaking such curiosity into works of science fiction and debates on what moral and ethical considerations such potentials might present.

A question that has plagued such minds: what would a time-travel machine look like?

Hollywood gave a shot at the answer in the 80’s with the presentation of a DeLorean tweaked out my mad scientist, Doc Brown, in the hit classic, Back To The Future. However, here is posed a possible alternative answer for contemplation...

What might a time machine look like?

Take a look in the mirror.

Truth be told, we are * already* time travelers.

From the point of our conception and birth through to death, we are progressing on a timeline - continually advancing into the future, as far as the vehicles of our physical bodies can carry us.

Granted, this perspective may not be as exciting or sexy as the prospects of what comes to mind when one might think of “time travel.” Nonetheless, it is one which does have a certain amount of truth to it.

Though so as to not disappoint with such a basic concept after the work-up of the intro, let’s keep going further...

Consider some fundamental principles of quantum physics. Such as the perspective, time is an illusion - a mere one dimension through which information is extracted out through to experience.

(Pardon the lack of references to “professional” citations and theories which might articulate these principles better than I do here).

Some have said, that time is merely a product of perceptive capabilities - that meanwhile, all that ever happened and all that ever will exists simultaneously. (Perhaps compressed into a singularity, from which the extraction process undertaken through our genetic vehicles generates the experience of a progressive timeline).

Alternatively, consider the concept of the “holographic universe.” That everything observed emerges out of a unified field - similar to the ancient notion of an “Akashic Records,” wherein all information about everything - past, present, and future - is stored/encoded.

If this were the case... the notion that a “machine” would be needed to “travel” back or forward in time may be flawed.

If this were the case... the whole concept of “travel” in context might be flawed, as it’s not any distance to be traveled - but perhaps more a shift in vibrational dimension to a ‘different frequency’ within that same singularity we’re sitting in the midst of right here, right now.

If all of history were encapsulated within the atomic consciousness of a singularity - (pardon the loose linguistics) - experiencing the past in full-vividness as though we were there might not require any sort of external apparatus - but rather, **the activation of our own abilities & capabilities lying dormant in our genetics and body to “tune into” a broader spectrum of memory already present.

Just as a computer hard drive might contain data encoding audio and video captured from around the globe at different points on the timeline - from which the operator may consciously choose which to bring up on the screen - so too, might all information pre-exist on a sort of universal quantum drive. (Which may, in a sense, be the genetic code itself). Perhaps it is this system of information storage into which some considered to have “extra-sensory perception” such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, remote viewing, past-life reading, etc may have been “tapping into” and receiving their information from.

Could we theoretically take our physical bodies with us into the past or future? Maybe. Maybe not. Though either way, the possibility of “time travel” closer in reach might be more simply the projection of consciousness forward/back on a timeline - or viewed slightly differently than a “projection,” perhaps an conscious immersion into memory at a different point on the timeline - or, an extraction of memory corresponding to a different point, although it may ultimately all be compressed into the same quantum singularity.

The experience of “this world,” right “here,” in this time point of “now,” we are creating.

Our brains, bodies, and genetic system are working to translate the vibration input received through our senses into this experience - a sort of holographic projector, the engine of a sort of simulated construct we’ve called “reality.”

Likewise, the worlds explores during sleep time in lucid dreams may too be but a construction of fragmented memories. Or a psychedelic “trip,” merely another reality-construct of frequency spectrums accessed through senses and states activated through certain chemical stimuli.

If all that ever is, was, and will be exists within a quantum singularity - the key to time travel, then, might not be attempting any sort of physical relocation, but unlocking the sensory capabilities to deliberately refine one’s focus into specific ‘partitions of the quantum hard drive’ and transmute the info within into a lucid experience, as though without distinction of when the memory was first encoded into the singularity.

Or rephrased differently... we might be the time machine itself.

Our genetic vehicles, the means through which our consciousness may translate pure information into experience - whether that bundle of information may be input through the senses in real-time, an amalgation of fragmented memory as in the case of a dream, or perhaps even a bundle “from the past/future.”

The expanding limits of our sensory capacities, perhaps the actual barrier between our experience of the now, and the experience of different points on the timeline *as though they were the now.

art credit: Samuel Farrand

Food for thought.

And, these thoughts might still be decades ahead of their time.

Nonetheless... it might be worth consideration: while many have been fixated on the prospect of developing external technologies to achieve unprecedented feats, such as “time travel,” what possibilities exist within the domain of deepening our understanding of and furthering the development of one of the most overlooked, profound technologies of all - ourselves, and the yet-to-be-activated potentials of the human brain-body-genetic system...?

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