Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Part 1.A: Frequencies Of Deception .. Out Of The Light


Frequencies Of Deception: Out Of The Light

Thank you for joining me as we continue our journey into the bloodlines of the serpent gods. Firstly, I did attempt to write this as one article but as it grew I realised the posting size restrictions would impede the vision I had for it. Today's post is going to focus upon the light and tomorrow I'm going turn the entire concept upside down and explore the dark duality of the subjects I discuss below. I have listed these posts as part 1a & 1b due to the fact that they are more of a side step than a direct continuation of the first part which I recommend reading before you start this.

Throughout these two posts I'm going to be drawing together multiple areas of research and adding original thoughts, ideas and connections. Tomorrow I will be incorporating many of them into the cutting edge of our modern technology. As with the first part, this is a huge subject and with the best will in the world, two posts will literally just scratch the surface. Rest assured as time progresses this is a series that I intend to build upon and take in multiple directions. Before we progress may I suggest that you pour yourself a hot drink, sit back and let’s see where this journey takes us.

I'm going to assume you've read the first part of this series and so just give a cursery overview of the events so far. Following aforementioned cataclysm the survivors of this ancient civilisation set out to colonise the earth and rebuild what had come before. It’s my belief that they were a society based upon high technology and who practised some form of esoteric science that was equally part of their religion/belief system. They held a profound knowledge relating to vibrational sound and light frequency, electro-magnetism and equally the effect these resonances had upon their civilisation and indeed human psychology and cognitive ability.


At first I believe this society set out to enlighten the world and share their knowledge and wisdom but at some point there was a power struggle. As with all aspects of the occult and esoteric knowledge there is a duality and indeed a dark side. It’s the progenitors of the dark occult that won the power struggle and to this day are the same bloodlines that are entering the final stage of their plan to control and subjugate humanity. They are adept in their knowledge of the dark arts, human psychology, duality and the manipulation of natural law. Knowledge is indeed power and over the course of thousands of years they have used this knowledge to accumulate vast wealth, resources and control. They are a living connection between the old and the new world, the shadow elite and the hidden hand that are leading humanity into a blind alley. Welcome to the frequencies of deception!

In the context of the cosmological observations I share below, the short video above gives a fascinating glimpse at how sound vibration is the glue that binds and potentially creates the entire universe.

In The Beginning

The resonance of sound and vibration is often hidden within but equally forms the basis for a vast number of religions and belief systems. Let’s take a brief and rudimentary glance a handful of examples.

Hinduism: Here we have the sacred Om/Aum sound frequency, equally we also have the associated frequencies of OM-MA-NI-PAD-ME-HUM.

Christianity: With the Christian belief system we have the word of god. The sacred voice/sound used by god to speak the universe into existence.

Native American:Within various native belief systems we have the concept that the universe was sung into existence.

Ancient Egyptian/Kemet: Once again we have the song of creation and equally the god Thot creating the world by the resonance of voice. We also have the 6 aspects (or resonance ratios) of Horus.


Universal Sound Vibration

Outside of the creation myths, it’s my belief (and the increasing belief of many scientists) that vibratory sound frequency/resonance is the primordial vibration that connects all creation. The entire universe (including ourselves) is a multi-layered vibratory sound frequency. Physical matter is in essence comprised of vibrating atoms that are resonating at a low enough frequency to accumulate mass. It’s my belief that the key to our salvation and indeed the health of our planet lays within our understanding of sound resonance, light frequency and electro-magnetism. Equally (as I will discuss later in the post) I believe this knowledge is being weaponised against us and thus holds the potential to imprison our minds, bodies and potentially souls.

The aforementioned sounds of creation are (I believe) mythological interpretations of an ancient science. Within this belief many of the ancient (and modern) shapes, religious symbols and indeed ancient architecture are physical representations of geometric sound resonances and universal energy constants. These shapes and structures and not accidental but hint at a forgotten knowledge and a technologically advanced civilisation that both understood and utilised these universal frequencies. Indeed the human energy structure is itself representative of a pyramidical energetic resonance, but that’s a subject for another day.

Reality and matter is a play on energy and vibration and if you alter frequency you can manipulate matter and perhaps even our perception of reality. From this perspective biblical stories relating to Joshua’s Israelite army blowing their trumpets and causing the collapse of the walls of Jericho begin to offer some fascinating possibilities. Indeed were the trumpets some form of ancient technology that was handed down from the old world? Equally was the Ark of the Covenant an ancient and lost technology? Again within the bible we also have the seven trumpets of revelation, does this hint at some future cataclysm caused by the rediscovery of this ancient knowledge? I believe there are many profound messages hidden within the biblical texts, hidden within myth and metaphor.


Esoteric Electricity

In terms of electricity the vast majority of us think no further than its ability to light and warm our houses, we take for granted the force that powers our lives. On the other hand electricity and magnetism, and indeed electromagnetism have a long history of esoteric study. Within esoteric science it is taught that electricity and magnetism are two aspects of one force. Indeed within the realms of modern science it is acknowledged and an electrical charge in motion causes a magnetic field and equally the same observations arise in reverse.

To the student of esoteric knowledge, electricity is believed to be the (sensory) invisible lifeblood of the universe. This force is sometimes known as cosmic or intelligent Electricity (spelt with a capital E to distinguish from it's terrestrial counterpart). The prime seven energies of magnetism, heat, sound, cohesion, light and inertia form the singular entity of cosmic Electricity. Equally, we find seven Chakras within the human body, the macro and the micro in symbiosis. Within this understanding; it is believed that Electricity is a tangible and perhaps intelligent force, an energy imbued with the universal dualities and the firing synapses of a universal mind. The energetic link between spirit and matter, and the bridge that connects the resonance of "thought" to the laws of nature.

Equally does this life blood hold within it the universal duality? Indeed does the technology it powers eventually become a physical representation of this duality? From a different perspective and in terms of life, it separates primordial substances into atoms which in turn become the source of physicality and consciousness. Indeed heat, light, electricity and magnetism are not the causes but the effect of this mysterious and omnipresent force.


Electromagnetism & The Field Of Light Spectrum

Alongside the aforementioned sound resonances I also believe that the ancients heralded a profound knowledge relating to how changes in the electromagnetic field (the Schumann resonance) and light spectrums influence cognition, psychology and metabolic processes. It was understood that both universal and indeed cyclical changes in the earth’s precession affected this resonance and thus manifested themselves in the rise and fall of civilisation. Mainstream science is now just beginning to grasp the validity of these ancient wisdoms, leading Dr Valerie Hunt (former professor of psychology at UCLA) to state that; “subtle changes in the earth’s electromagnetic field can dramatically alter the mental capacity, cognition and the perceptual awareness of humanity.” Equally as stated by quantum physicist Dr Armi Goswami “consciousness prefers light”.

This knowledge was interwoven into ancient architecture, tablets and texts including the Vedas and the Mayan long count. I wrote about these interlocking cycles in a previous post and as I mentioned when I first started writing, each of one of my esoteric articles is one piece of a jigsaw puzzle and over the next couple of days I’m going to draw a few of those pieces together..


The Schumann Resonance

The earth’s magnetic energy, heartbeat is known as the Schuman resonance. The Schuman resonance surrounds and envelops the earth. It extends to 30 miles in height and to the very edge of the ionosphere. The human body (especially the brains alpha state) harmonises in perfect synchronicity with the Schuman resonance. It regulates our brain waves, metabolic processes and the sense of direction in humans, animals and birds. The human brain communicates with this magnetic field through our cryptochrome molecules and the brains naturally occurring magnetite crystals. Every brain contains 5 million magnetite crystals per gram of brain mass. These crystals resonate perfectly with the magnetic field that surrounds us. Indeed disruption within the geo-magnetic field (much like the lunar cycle) has a direct influence upon psychology and metabolism.

The writings of the ancient Chinese display that the concept that man requires two environmental signals, the masculine Yang (above) and the feminine Yin (below). These ancient obsrvations appear to correspond with the scientific interpretation of the Schumann resonance with the Yang (above) being the waves that surround our planet and the Yin (below) being the geomagnetic waves that emanate from within the earth.

In relation to ancient observations of resonating sound frequencies becoming the universal building blocks of life, It's fascinating to note the experiments of the Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier. An experiment was carried out by Montagnier where he placed two test tubes side by side, one contained pure water and the other a tiny piece of bacterial DNA which was diluted in pure water. Both test tubes were surrounded by a low electromagnetic field (which just happened to almost mimic the Schumann resonance) and left for eighteen hours.

.Following that time period Montagnier's team returned to find that DNA was now present in both test tubes. This offers that fascinating potential that DNA/life could be transmitted via electromagnetic pulses (the Schumann resonance) across the universe and deposited wherever the resonance finds water. I believe there is more work and research required in this field but it potentially opens some fascinating new frontiers of thought, although equally frontiers that appear to have been breached thousands of years ago!


The Resonance Of Pyramids

From domes to pyramids these geometric structures have been shown to both draw and produce carrier waves. These carrier waves display similar characteristics to radio waves that carry sound information, displaying a high vibrational quality that imbues within it strong energetic resonances.

The pyramidical structure is an amplified receiver/resonator of numerous energy fields including electro-magnetism, cosmic rays, gravitational waves and associated sound resonances. The shape of the pyramid also lends itself to the creation of a spherical field of harmonious vibrations and the destruction of negative energy influences. Within this field the wave patterns become synchronous and rhythmic and move towards the order of harmony. We can think of the pyramid as akin to a cosmic antennae, a structure that tunes into numerous energy sources, receives and then resonates them as a magnetic field.

Equally the alignment and composition of pyramids appears to be of great importance and in relation the Great Pyramid much thought appears to have gone into this. From the limestone exterior and the limestone interior blocks (that contain crystal and elements of metal) to the granite Kings chamber, the generation of energy and electro-magnetism appear to have been at the forefront of design. The granite shafts are also slightly radioactive which allows for the ionisation of the air. Equally the Kings chamber is made from rose granite which is one of the worlds paramagnetic substances and as such it has the ability to alter the magnetic field.

The mathematical alignments of the pyramids (and a vast number of other ancient sites) are worthy of a book in themselves. Today I’m just going to observe how many appear to be perfectly placed upon the earth’s energetic/nodule points. In particular if you were to roll out a map you would observe that the great pyramid is strategically placed at the exact center of the earth’s landmass. This can be calculated by the fact that both the east/west parallel and the north/south meridian lines cross in just two places. One is in the ocean and the other where the Great Pyramid was built. The pyramid also mathematically conveys the very same dimensions/proportions as the earth and moon. These dimensions can be obtained using the Pythagorean 3-4-5 triangle.

In terms of the great pyramid's location; The Greenwich prime meridian (GPM) has zero distinguishing scientific, geological or indeed natural features feature’s for it to be a logical choice, so I put it down to Empirical arrogance. Moving the prime meridian to the pyramid equates to adding/subtracting (where appropriate) 31 degrees to the west or east of the Greenwich prime number. If you move the prime meridian to the great pyramid and make it the zero latitude we can observe that the four sides of the pyramid align with the four river deltas. For example the Yangtze river delta which is currently 121 degrees east of Greenwich is 90 degrees east if you use the pyramid as the prime.

By adding 31 degrees to the 89w gps location of the Mississippi delta, the adjusted map reveals that it is now 120 degrees west of the pyramid. So we have the Yangtze at 90 degrees and the Mississippi at 120 degrees. Equally the major rivers of the northern hemisphere have similarly precise geometric relationships. The Mississippi flows south from its source to its delta and the Nile flows north from source to delta. They also both empty into the ocean on the exact latitude (30 degrees north) and appear to be inverted images of each other.


The 30 Degree Energy Generator

The pyramids 30-degree North location was also chosen because it's a planetary energy vector, the wind bands that flow around the earth are known as Hadley & Ferrel cells and each again extend to thirty degrees. One cell from the equator to 30 degrees, a second from 30 to 60 degrees, and a third from 90 to 120, plus there are also vectors of oceanic currents which flow in cells parallel to the Hadley cell.

These wind and oceanic vortexes feed the planets electrical vortex and equate to an energetic resonance generator. Thus whilst also being located within the true prime meridian, the pyramid would also appear to be perfectly placed to harvest both planetary and cosmic energy waves. It should also be noted that the inner frequency of the pyramid is 33 hertz, which alongside Masonic connections iis said to be associated with higher states of consciousness.


Pyramids As Tool For Consciousness & Cognition Expansion

The pyramids as some form of energy receiving/generating resonance chambers is a fascinating idea and equally one that’s been explored (from a different perspective) by the engineer/writer Christopher Dunn. In respect of this post I’m not looking at it from the engineering perceptive but at the geometric shape being a physical representation of a universal and vibrational energy constant. Indeed by harnessing the earth’s resonating sound waves and electro-magnetism and running alongside any associated energy production capabilities; were the pyramids also akin to a vibrational tuning fork that profoundly interacted with the brains resonant frequencies? And were these frequencies used by those that had been inducted into the ancient mystery schools as a way aiding them achieve higher states of consciousness and cognition?


When looking into the Bosnian pyramids (which my friend @tremendospercy wrote a great post about) there is a possibility that we can observe this process in action. In the ancient tunnels underneath the Visoko complex there appears to be a constant presence of beneficial electro-magnetism and sound frequency. There are ultra sound recording of 28khz alongside a steady Schumann resonance reading of 7.83hz. Equally the area has extremely high negative ion readings that equate to approx 60,000 per cubic centimetre. These readings are at an optimum for physical health and mental/cognitive ability.


Healing Frequencies

If we take another look at ancient Kemet we can see the goddess Hathor was one their oldest deities. The musical instrument associated with Hathor was the Sistrum and it’s vibrational resonances were used as a tool of ascension and enlightenment. Again as already mentioned within the creation myths I highlighted at the beginning of the post, Hathor taught that sound is the primordial basis for all creation. From this perspective humans are a complex and multidimensional form of energetic harmonics. From a healing perspective our aura emits a resonant frequency that corresponds with the wavelengths of our internal organs. From this understanding we can be healed via the synchronisation of positive vibrational sound harmonics and our internal resonant frequencies, but more on that later.

Again it’s my belief that this is a mythological reinterpretation (remember the ancient civilisation I’m talking about is far older than Kemet) of an ancient science. When we look at the Egyptian Ankh we see that it’s top resembles the Sistrum and it base a cross. The Ankh is often seen as a representation of immortality and the transfer of energy from one form to another. Again we get back to the cross (as I wrote in part one) is itself a physical manifestation of a universal vibrational energy resonance and we can see this concept displayed by the cymatics video below.

I would like to reiterate that these ancient symbols are not accidental but actually hint at a complex/profound scientific knowledge of the universe and creation, the truth is always hidden in plain view. In relation to the above video I'll remind you of my previous statement "physical matter is in essence comprised of vibrating atoms that are resonating at a low enough frequency to accumulate mass." From this perspective certain higher frequency bands appear conducive to greater complexity and equally I believe this can be directly correlated to the evolutionary process. That said and as with all universal laws and constants there is also a dark underside to that understanding, but much more on that tomorrow.

Physical Representations Of Energetic Resonances


Above we have an Assyrian represenation of an Annunaki king, in the context of this post note the wheel appears to be emitting some form of (celestial wheel?) electrical/plasma discharge. Equally as referenced in part one, note the tiara crown that to this day is worn by the Catholic Pope.


Here we have a Mesopotamian cylinder seal depicting the Dagon fish king, again as referenced in part one note the fish mitre hat that is worn by the Pope. Equally (yes I'm aware of the flying craft) note the celestial wheel on the left.


Here we have a native American medicine wheel (modern name and interpretation) some of these wheels are incredibly ancient and are equally numerous throughout Canada and the States. Note the similarities between the celestial (medicine) wheel above and the modern plasma discharge below.



Note the squatter man imagery above and equally how the image below portrays how the Dogon tribe ( Dogon/Dagon ;) ) have incorporated this image into their ceremonial dress. The first image above is a plasma discharge, the rest are extremely ancient petroglyphs and there are hundreds of thousands of them all over the world.



The above image is of a modern cavity magnetron. The cavity magnetron is a high-powered vacuum tube that generates microwaves using the interaction of a stream of electrons with a magnetic field. Now look below and note the similarities with an ancient archaeological site that's believed to be hundreds of thousands of years old. Equally remember this site is believed to be pre-flood and so not much of it remains.


So what is this all about? The researcher and author Michael Tellinger believes many pre-flood archeological sites (and there are thousands of them) represent an ancient energy grid. This grid would have utilised the earth's natural harmonics/resonant frequency to produce free energy. In reference to the squatter man, celestial cycles and many other physical representations of energetic resonances, Anthony Perrat (whom is one of the most eminent high energy Plasma Discharge research scientists in the world) believes they are primitive man's attempts at recording a high energy plasma discharge event.


Myself? I'm in the middle of both interpretations. I believe in Tellinger's analysis of a technologically advanced civilisation that utilised the earth’s harmonics as a form of energy. Like Tellinger I also believe this civilisation was destroyed by a great flood. Following this an attempt was made to rebuild what had come before and this is where stories of the mythological Atlantis arise from.

From this perspective Perrat's observation of a plasma discharge event (which must have been huge as it was recorded the world over) could actually be a historical recording of the destruction of Atlantis. A disaster caused by the incorrect use of harmonic technology and electromagnetism that destroyed a civilisation and played out across the worlds skies. Obviously I can't ascertain the validity of that statement but I'm more than happy to share it as a fascinating train of thought.


The Oracle Room

We also have sites such as Hal Saflieni Hypogeum in Malta which produces a double resonance frequency of 70Hz and 114Hz. The hypogeum is an ancient underground complex that houses the oracle room which has a fabled reputation for sound acoustics and resonances. Because the room stores certain resonant frequencies it enables the production of large amplitude oscillations. Laboratory testing has shown that exposure to these associated resonant frequencies can have a physical effect on human brain activity and perception.

Indeed Dr. Paolo Debertolis reported on tests conducted at the Clinical Neurophysiology Unit at the University of Trieste in Italy. He stated that “each volunteer has their own individual frequency of activation, always between 90 and 120 hz. Those volunteers with a frontal lobe prevalence during the testing received ideas and thoughts similar to what happens during meditation, whilst those with occipital lobe prevalence visualized images." He also stated that: "Ancient populations were able to obtain different states of consciousness without the use of drugs or other chemical substances."

It appears that the rooms builders knew how to utilise architectural techniques to boost these resonances. Indeed Glenn Kreisberg, a radio frequency spectrum engineer that researched the room commented that "The Oracle Chamber ceiling, especially near its entrance from the outer area, and the elongated inner chamber itself, appears to be intentionally carved into the form of a wave guide."


Healing Resonances In Technology

It’s my belief that ancient understandings of electromagnetism and sound and light resonances could be incorporated into modern technology. Within this understanding, instead of the associated health concerns relating to the use of computers and phones etc we could receive a boost to cognition and physical health. Indeed it appears that the scientist Nikola Tesla was working on a concept that would have incorporated these ancient wisdoms into street lamps. These lamps would have imbued all passing pedestrians with numerous physical and psychological health benefits. In reference to Tesla it’s important to note that he (along with many famous scientists) attributed much of his knowledge to his study of the ancient Vedic texts. He incorporated many of these ancient wisdoms into much of his work and even used Sanskrit terminology.

Alas it’s also my belief that many of the aforementioned ancient wisdoms have been reverse engineered and are being weaponised against us. But I’ve got a little ahead of myself so lets take a brief look at a couple of occasions where this knowledge has attempted to rise again.


Royal Raymond Rife

Now alongside Tesla whom declared “if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” we also have the inventor Royal Raymond Rife. It was Rife that created the world’s first highly advanced universal microscope. As an inventor the Rife resonator was considered to be his crowning achievement. The resonator used electromagnetic frequencies to treat numerous illnesses and diseases including cancer.

On the 20th Nov 1931 Rife was honoured with a “to end all diseases” banquet at the estate of Dr Milbank Johnson that was attended by forty four of the country’s top scientists. In 1934 Rife’s resonator had been involved in a three month clinical trial where it was attributed with curing terminally ill cancer patients. On the night he was due to deliver the results of Rife’s study Dr Johnson was fatally poisoned and his notes and papers lost.

In another strange coincidence Dr Nermes (who was duplicating Rifes work) was killed in a fire that also destroyed his research material. It should also be noted that Rife’s own lab was destroyed by arson and equally the Burnett lab (who had been validating his work) was also burned to the ground. After years of struggle (and much like Tesla before him) Rife died penniless, a broken and isolated man. There are conspiracy theories relating to Rife being deliberately murdered but I must say I don't think the evidence supports this.


George Lakvosky

Another proponent of similar technology was George Lakvosky. He used high frequency waves within his within his multiple wave oscillator to treat illness and aid the rejuvenation of skin cells, wrinkles and hair follicles. The machine was used to successfully treat cancer and although I’m always wary of the multiple sites that claim he had a 98% success rate, to me that’s not the point. This was a technology that heralded provable results but equally it also marked the beginning of a rediscovery of ancient knowledge rather than a new invention and to that’s a testament to the fact that the truth is always rising. I liken it to holding a basket ball under water, for you can hold it down for as long as you like but as soon as your arm becomes tired it’s coming right back to the surface.


But back to Lakvosky, In 1941 he was approached by hospitals who wanted to experimentally use his machine. Promising results appear to have been obtained from a seven week trial at several New York hospitals. Sadly a short time later and before he was able to see the fruits of his labour George was struck by a car (in what was described as a “mysterious manner”) and died in 1942. These are just two examples but throughout this time period (including inventors such as John Keeley) there were several pioneers of this science.

Alas many of them appear to have had their names slandered and reputations destroyed, left penniless and broken or indeed died in mysterious circumstances. In fact the observant will notice a pattern that exists to this day, any scientist or researcher that steps beyond the general consensus have their careers destroyed. Indeed, it's sobering to note that our modern scientific achievements are built atop the dogmas that preceded them. Equally science is built upon the backs of those brave scientists the defied the consensus and spoke out to cries of disbelief and derision, only to have their work validated at a later date.

Join me tomorrow for part two, where I flip the script and take you a journey into the heart of darkness. Until then I will leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.

I spend a considerable amount of time working on each of my posts and if you appreciate my work I would be humbled to receive an upvote and or a resteem.

All references will be included at the end of the next part.


Written by perceptualflaws
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