In ancient times, the real doctors used elemental magic, they communicated with the plants, in this way they learned medical science, their great healing did not depend on pills or synthetic drugs, everything was natural because it came from nature.

To work with pills, medicines and synthetic chemical compounds to cure is to work with death, it is to change the natural genetics of the human being with its unfortunate side effects that cause diseases that the patient never had. You can not call a doctor a person who causes an illness to cure another disease.
From the moment an originating doctor asks a plant or a tree for a leaf, seed, fruit, bark or root, it is asking for energy, it is asking for healing power, it is asking for life; This is something that material scientists can not get in their laboratories. The original doctors who have learned to heal using the elemental magic of nature see healing as integral and know that diseases originate in the electromagnetic fields of the human body.


The time has come to return to the Wisdom of Nature, nature speaks, nature teaches us, the Human Being comes from nature, we are part of Nature.

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