Practical Angel Magick: Steem Magick Group Ritual Part 2-- Performing The Ritual

Greetings steemians! In part 1 I introduced the group ritual and provided the talisman and sigil with directions for charging. Now that we have our talisman and sigil charged we can begin the ritual. Start the ritual on a Thursday and perform every day for 11 days. For our group ritual we will begin on Thursday, July 27 and the last day will be Sunday, August 6.

Part of the ritual is written in English and this part can be spoken in any language. The rest of the ritual is in Hebrew and this part should be sung. The Hebrew parts will be spelled out phonetically so that any English speaker can easily pronounce it. If you speak a language other than English pronounce it as you would English. One thing that is important to note is the the CH sound in this instance will be like the ch in the Scottish word loch or the German word achtung. If this is too difficult for you just pronounce it as if it were a K. When you see TZ this is pronounced like the end of bets with a t and s sound. Do not worry too much about getting the pronunciation exactly right. It is much more important that you sing these parts and you do so with intention.

The ritual makes much use of visualization. When you visualize something try your best to imagine that you are really there and it is really happening. The more you can visualize with all of your senses the better. This is at least as important as the words. The idea of the ritual is that your internal creative faculties and your external body are acting in unison.

To begin, face towards the East and place the Shem Talisman in front of you. As previously stated yesterday, you may use whatever banishings you want but none are required. Once you are facing East and you have the Shem Talisman before you put one foot forward and thrust both hands together out in front of you. Bring your hands apart imagining you are splitting a veil between this world and the next as you say:

This is the beginning. I open the way.

Look at the talisman, keeping your eyes on the central triangle and say:

I call on the inner world to know that this is my will.

Then sing:




Visualize the following images as clearly as you can as you say:

I pass through the arch of stone.

I walk through a field of golden corn.

I am warmed by the fire of the sun.

I am cooled by water of the ocean.

I am steady on the firm earth.

I breath a sweet breeze.

I feel the weight of the earth beneath me.

Ask yourself these questions aloud but do not attempt to answer them aloud or to yourself:

I ask, how did I come to be at peace?

I ask, how did I let go of fear?

I ask, how did I learn to manifest my dreams?

Picture an orange glow on your left and a purple glow on your right for a few moments.

Replace the Shem Talisman with the Sigil of Nememiah before you.

Scan the letters in the square part of the sigil counter-clockwise starting at the top right. So, you will start at the top right of the square and move to the left, then down the left side, across the bottom and up the right hand side. As you do this read the following making sure to sing the name of the angel and the parts that are in Hebrew. Picture a lightning bolt striking your heart every time you sing the angel's name. I will denote when to picture the lightning with a ~:

I call on thee, ARZEL~ in the East,

to connect me to the secret angels of the universe.





I call on thee, RAZIEL~, in the East

to make me heard by the secret angels of the universe.











let my voice be heard by the great angel


I seal this command with the word of power


Scan the letters in the black circle starting at the top and moving in a counter-clockwise fashion (to the left).







Look at the red part at the center of the sigil and sing the angel's name 3 times



I call on you powerful NEM-EM-EE-AH~ who has the power to improve prosperity.

I ask that you help raise the price of steem to increase the payouts of all who use the platform.

I seal this command with the word of power


As you angels have come in peace, go in peace. It is done.

At this point the ritual is done. You may close with any banishings you choose but none are necessary. There is a strong possibility that you may sense the angel's presence in some way. Some people actually see them. Some may hear them. For me, I can tell their presence by a calm and powerful stillness to the air that seems full of pleasant goodness. If you do not sense their presence this is fine. The angels have still heard your request and will be working towards fulfilling your request.

It is important that once you have finished the ritual you do not start obsessively checking steem price to see if you have had any effect. Go on about your daily business as you normally would and do not worry about whether or not the ritual was successful. The angels have heard your request. Now it is time to let them do their work and it's best if you stay out of their way. My experience so far with these angels has been incredibly powerful and they have had an undeniable effect. However, sometimes I didn't realize how much of an effect they had until later looking back on it. Then angels had started having their effect right away, I just didn't realize it until afterwards. I hope you enjoyed this and if we have a good response to this we can start another one with a different angel. Have fun and happy steeming!

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