If Paris Hilton can be friends with Alex Grey the DMT LSD painter... then anything is possible...including EROWID scotbot site to reward people for posting pyschedelic experience reports.


Paris Hilton hangs out with Alex Grey...This made me wonder... why not take advantage of scotbot and build a steem scotbot tribe for EROWID

Https://erowid.org is a Harm Reduction site with info and trip reports about drugs especially pyschedelics.

Many people read and write pyschedelic trip reports and if we could upvote and rate and pay people to post anonymous trip reports using @anonsteem to create the accounts then we could have a Pyscoative Substance Experience Report Blockchain Database that was semi anonymous to fully anonymous depending on the user

Bluelight.nl was also a popular "drug" forum and these are constantly under threat of censorship and are a perfect fit for steem. Many of these sites have important info that helps curious drug users avoid falling into dangerous pitfalls like for example liver toxic effect of mixing Dxm robitussin with MDMA ecstasy pills and how people have died when a dealer stupidly mixed the two in a pill because he just had both of these substabces... knowing about this can save lives and someone who posts a great story with live saving info or a drug report with life saving details about a drug can be upvoted on a steem scotbot site for bluelight Erowid or a hars reduction drug experience report site




I believe groups such as Erowid and MAPS another organization Ill explain below, deserve a Scotbot site and I will email them to let them know how helpful it could be for a scientific organization to have a blockchain to post their reports and surveys and reports.

This was on Alex Greys wife's Instagram https://instagram.com/allysongreycosm

So maybe Paris Hilton will work with Alex Greys artist wife to make her own designer LSD blotters art ? Https://blotterart.com has a wide range of amazingly legal LSD blotters art which has been used through the years...

you can also get a perforator for a dollar on ebay and make your own with blotters paper and non toxic ink as most printers are.

Although lacing the blotters with a controlled or illegal substance like LSD is illegal- having blank blotters is a perfectly fine collectible safe thing to do... but it's hard to test lsd... one San Francisco man is famous now for having an "underground LSD blotter art museum" I'm sure he claims all his blotter has somehow had its LSD taken out lol

Anyway an Erowid hard reduction site for scotbot seems perfect here is the old "Trip Reports" Index

we could either automatically repost the old trip reports into Steem for record keeping and even allow old users to come claim some steem or erowid tokens for their old posts oif they claim them within teh first year if they have access to their old erowid account. We could also start a new system to allow new reports to be posted on steem and get curated and upvoted by an erowid account funded with an EROWID ICO on Steem-engine :D

These trip reports can be made into a Scotbot site

Also MAPS multi disciplinary association for study of pyschedelic substances could be a perfect match for @scisteem and help being clinical research to steem maybe we could even use steemians to volunteer for various studies like I participated in at University if California Santa Cruz and San Diego... https://maps.org/

Maps has been at the forefront of most of the recent stories about drug and psychedelic legalization and decriminalization and I have been following them since before I came to UC Santa cruz where I really got to dive head first into that secret global psychedelic world which now has many open leaders activists scientists who do what the guys with the Vaults of LSD on the darknet can't... yet... which is LEGALLy find ways to set up studies where they can GIVE OUT small amounts of MDMA, Psilocybin, LSD. I got to attend a MAPS guest lecture while at UCSC with a professor from UCLA who got permission to do a psychedelic study AND actually perform some limited experiments with HUMAN test subjects where he gave MDMA to subjects to study just like we USED to do in the 1980s.


We NOW are living in 2019 and cannabis is legal not just medically but recreationally in California Colorado many other states, federal in Canada, and now things like Peyote and Ayahuasca have become MORE accessible, MUSHROOMS are DECRIMINALIZED in Oakland california of all places , home of Mac dre and ironically he mentioned "shrooms" many time sin his raps :D Its incredible to imagine LEGAL mushrooms and maybe more but for now, legal Mushroom hotel;s where i can come and trip for $100 to $1000 depending on my level of luxury would be an a amazing experience and could help alleviate and treat addiction OCD anxiety etc when done in a clinic setting with professionals and people available to monitor heart rates if necessary etc. I forsee amazing natural trip colonies for long term therapy and then more inner city places where you can come in for 30 mins and take DMT vaporized and do the "Businessmans" trip. Anyway I believe theer is a lot of hope for decriminalizing these substances to help a lot of people if organizations like MAPS and even Erowid can get censorship resistance and pay their users with Erwoid and MAPS Steem-engine.com tokens :D

Together with these old websites that helped create the inspiration for the darknet and all cryptocurrency we can come full circle with sites like Erowid.org MAPS.org and even others like bluelight.nl coming to steem for censorship resistance and scot for a community today contributing users.

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