Close Encounters of the Anal Kind

I got home late Saturday night. I guess it was more like Sunday morning. It was probably close to 3am by the time I dragged myself in through the door. I had been at a rave all night and was still coming down off of Molly. So my mind was open, but I wasn’t quite fucked up. I was feeling good though, so I lay on my bed and started caressing myself. It felt so good to rub my hands all over my body. My cunt had been endlessly leaking all night from the rush of serotonin to my brain. I tasted it. It was sweet and lightly fragrant like a fresh summer rose.

I got up and turned on some trip hop so that I could drift away while I pleasured myself. I felt like I was floating on a cloud. Then, all of the sudden, I heard voices, like people were talking in the room, but I couldn’t see them. I shot up.

“Who’s there?” I asked cautiously.

The voices cut off abruptly. Chills ran up my spine. After a few minutes, I figured it was just my imagination and I lay back down and went back to fingering myself. All of the sudden my back arched on its own. At first, I thought maybe I hurt a nerve and it was just a involuntary reflex. It wasn’t- I was being pulled upward. I turned around and tried to grab my headboard to keep myself grounded. I dug my nails into the wood and felt them slowly slipping. At least two of them broke. All of the sudden, I was whipped upwards towards the ceiling through a bright beam. I instinctively turned my head and threw my arms up to cover my face to try to protect it from the ceiling.

I seemed to move through the ceiling as if it wasn’t even there. I flew faster and faster through the air. By this point, my eyes were closed shut tight. I was flying through the early morning air upwards. I was completely helpless. That’s the last thing I remember before I woke up in the spaceship, so I guess I must have passed out.

When I awoke, I was strapped down to a gurney. There were four figures surrounding me, but they were hard to make out because one of them was shining a light in my eye. I panicked and tried to struggle, but the restraints were too tight. The light being shone into my eye was removed and I was able to see the aliens. They looked a lot like the Greys that I had seen depicted online and on those weird TV shows that are often on when you have insomnia and don’t feel like watching infomercials. They had bulbous heads and big black eyes. Their fingers were long and looked like the had a suction cup on each tip. All four of them stared at me in awe as I stared back in horror.

One of the aliens opened up my mouth with his long fingers. He pried it so wide that it hurts. I tried to scream. Tears began rolling down my cheeks. A second alien inserted three of his fingers into my asshole and started wiggling them around, the fourth finger, he placed over my clit and began doing a sucking thing with his suction cup finger tip. One of the aliens stood on top of the gurney with his feet on either side of my shoulders. He (or maybe she?) had a slit right where its genitalia should be. The alien placed its hands on either side of the slit and pressed down and this…thing came out. It was like a forked cock. He shoved his alien cock down my throat as far as he could, like he was going for my stomach. The last alien stepped back, and closed his big eyes. A middle eye appeared in his forehead, but it was round, unlike his oval eyes, he just stood there with it open, pointed at us.

The alien that was probing my ass finally pulled his fingers out. “Maybe they’ll let me go now,” I thought to myself.

Instead, the alien then put his freaky genital appendage in my ass and extended it as far as he could, just like the alien in my mouth was doing. I felt like both of their cocks might meet in the middle. I cried harder. Death by alien cock impalement. This is how I die. They fucked me as a zoned in and out of consciousness. The last aliens still stood motionless, watching with his third eye. They finally both threw their heads back and pushed their appendages as far into me as they could as they both made a chirping sound. it felt like something was popping inside of me. I felt instantly heavier.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in my bed. It must have all been just a dream. I mean, I did do a lot of drugs…that’s probably all it was, just a dream. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I got to brushing my tongue and I gagged. I kept gagging. I doubled over and I couldn’t breath. Something was blocking my airway. I pushed against my stomach in an upward motion a few times and finally a gelatinous ball emerged from my mouth. I hardly got a look at it before my bowels started to ache. I jumped up on my toilet and I felt a single intact glob shoot out. What the fuck. I wiped and turned around to look…It was the same thing that I had vomited onto the floor. I picked up the one on the floor and held it up to the light. It was like a clear gelatin…egg…Inside of it, looked like an embryo.

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