April weekend at the stable 馃尭 馃悗

Hello, dear Hivers!

April weather in Poland may not be the best, but it also has sunny and beautiful days. Last weekend was a perfect example of it.
I spent nearly half of the weekend at the stable, on Saturday I was making short films I needed for my diploma, and then we were with my friend's horse from the ground. I am learning to work with positive reinforcement R+. In my opinion, this technique is the best and most effective on an animal. Then we lunged Ruda for about half an hour, and after that, Ola massaged her back, as she later got some pain there.
Sunday morning I spent riding on my lesson and it happened to be the best fall of all time I had (the last one I had when I was an adolescent, I had a break from riding). I link you the tik tok, my friend Ola perfectly caught it. The stirrup leather has broken, the stirrup landed about two metres away and I finished on the ground. The video is here
I was riding Hutsul Horse, Bruno, he's sweet and very patient, yet a good teacher.

Witajcie 馃尭

Kwietniowa pogoda w Polsce mo偶e nie jest najlepsza, ale zdarzaj膮 si臋 te偶 s艂oneczne i pi臋kne dni. Ostatni weekend by艂 tego idealnym przyk艂adem.
Prawie po艂ow臋 weekendu sp臋dzi艂am w stajni, w sobot臋 kr臋ci艂am kr贸tkie filmy potrzebne mi do dyplomu, a potem by艂y艣my z koniem kole偶anki z ziemi. Ucz臋 si臋 pracy z pozytywnym wzmocnieniem R+. Moim zdaniem ta technika jest najlepsza i najbardziej skuteczna na zwierz臋ciu. Nast臋pnie przez oko艂o p贸艂 godziny lon偶owa艂y艣my Rud臋, a po tym Ola masowa艂a jej plecy, bo p贸藕niej troch臋 j膮 tam bola艂o.
Niedzielny poranek sp臋dzi艂am je偶d偶膮c na lekcji i tak si臋 z艂o偶y艂o, 偶e by艂 to najlepszy upadek wszech czas贸w jaki mia艂am (ostatni mia艂am jak by艂am nastolatk膮, mia艂am wtedy przerw臋 w je藕dzie). Linkuj臋 Wam tik tok, moja kole偶anka Ola idealnie to wy艂apa艂a. Sk贸ra strzemienia p臋k艂a, strzemi臋 wyl膮dowa艂o jakie艣 dwa metry dalej, a ja sko艅czy艂am na ziemi.

Ruda aka First Love




The tension is getting away - you can look by the ear position



Ruda and I on a walk

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