Next Generation

As I am watching the Next Generation in Star Trek...I was thinking about how great it will be when we arrive and achieve this kind of society. Yet, observing our current society, it feels like the Cold War all over again, with thoughts of continual fighting till we get tired of them and move forward...or mutual destruction.
Currently there are two well publicized wars...the war on drugs and the war on terrorists. The longer we allow this to occur, the more likely the less talked about wars will continue...such as the racial wars and gender wars. If we allow any type of "Authorized War"...there will be people who feel their wars are just and will do all necessary to succeed.
War is never the answer...and defending yourself is not war...yet actively hunting down people is such an aggression on humanity, it will destroy the spirit.
Which we are currently seeing, with all the violence occurring...and telling one group of people not to use violence all the while using violence to eradicate anyone associated with a different way of thinking. This only begets more violence. It is a vicious cycle that consistently reappears...mainly because it generates revenue for the elitist.
The baby boomers realized this and came up with "Love not War"...well it is time for the next generation to tell the baby boomers "Equality for All"
And not to suck a dick to ease some pissed of misogynist male from being violent.

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