Those taking part in Epstein's offerings, photos, evidence of predators on another layer of the web, We KNOW who you are. It's Not all been scrubbed as they thought!

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The short story is this, but there is FAR more involved,

According to the New York Post,

At one point, Epstein was facing 10 years to life on multiple counts of statutory rape, according to investigators. Court documents in that case claimed he routinely sought out girls as young as 14 and paid them $200 to $1,000 for sexual massages in his homes in Palm Beach, Fla., and Manhattan.

He also molested girls he had brought in from South America and Europe and once was given three 12-year-old girls from France as a “birthday gift,” the documents alleged.

Sorry Jeffrey, this has been found to be a FALSE claim,

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We KNOW what you did to this little girl!

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According to Tore says,

In 2007 Michael Wolff had claimed that he flew on Jefferey Epstein’s jet in the 1990’s claiming that young girls were on the plane. He lied. He was on Espstein’s jet(s) well into the 2000’s with younger girls. Specifically on February 20, 2002. We have details on that.

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Many names from these logs are missing, misspelled and or never recorded. This was also stated by Alan Dershowitz who claims to have flown with his wife on Epstein sponsored trips that don’t show up in the logs. He is right the travel logs are incomplete or missing but doesn’t mean he was not partaking in services offered by Epstein.

Dershowitz had argued that Virginia Roberts now known as Virginia Giuffre, mistook him for Nathan Myrhvold. The information we accessed alleges some very concerning habits of Myrhvold when it comes to sex and prefers them prepubescent.

According to Guiffre, she had multiple encounters with Alan Dershowitz according to her sworn affidavit when she was about 15-16 years old. Below is the picture she provided the courts to demonstrate the age she was in NY “living” with Epstein and Maxwell.

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Virginia Roberts Affidavit,

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Others connected to Epstein,

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Could it be that MacKenzie Bezos was shocked to see who Jeff was hanging with? Maybe found evidence? Could Google have increased their censorship to avoid dissemination of photos of their executives with sex slaves like Kelly Bovino & Eric Schmidt? Incredibly, we were able to find more photos of these young girls online but on underground porn sites.

Epstein and his orbit that included Global Royalty, Chinese Businessmen, Global politicians, filthy Democrats, RINOs Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Can we forget Democrat Rep McCarthy from Montana? McCain? Nadler? No Way! There is more to come from Epstein, he kept notes or did they get lost in the fire? I am sure the slush fund the senate and house use to silence their victims can give us some direction.

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They did a great job deleting evidence but the back end of the internet is the best place to go – the fringes of the net house EVERYTHING. Including pages that have been deleted, emails, blogs, pictures, notes and videos.

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If we look at each an every one of these “friends of Epstein” we see one commonality – They hate President Trump and they are fighting the citizens of the United States with censorship and hinder our access and dissemination of information.

EPSTEIN’S Lolita Express landed and picked up Clinton as well as other guests from the LARGEST US NAVAL BASE in Japan : NAS Atsugi (RJTA). There are military records of the jet landing and departing according to our source that wishes to remain anonymous that was an AC (Air Traffic Control) non-commissioned officer at the time.

Who boarded Epstein’s plane from a MILITARY installation in Japan:

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The next stop they made was to Hong Kong International Airport VHHH to refuel. They proceeded to stop off at ZGSZ airport. It’s the third largest International Airport in Guangdong China, Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport. The flight logs don’t show it but it is alleged that two other passengers was received before they reached their final destination.

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Former President Jiang Zemin was in Shenzen on May 23, 2002 for a meeting with Guangdong officials about the state of their economic shortfalls as reported by China Daily on May 24, 2002.

The next destination was (WSSS) Singapore International Airport where they dropped off the “Clean Energy” adviser and were entertained in Singapore staying at a boutique hotel the outgoing Chinese President chose.

Two days later they departed for (VTBD) Don Mueang International Airport in Bangkok, Thailand without the Chinese President where they picked up three Thai 12-14 year old females and departed for Brunei.

In 1997, during Clinton’s final term of his presidency a woman named filed by former Miss USA named Shannon Marketic sued Jefri and the sultan for $10 million, claiming that she and six other young women had been hired for $127,000 each to travel to Brunei for professional appearances, supposedly involving “intellectual conversations” with visiting dignitaries, but instead were forced to serve as “sex slaves.”

The Sultan relied on the one fact of DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY to beat the charges he was facing. The Clinton Administration helped make the case go away on the notion of diplomatic immunity. When he arrived to visit Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah he brought with him the perks of Jeffrey Epstein and made the introduction to the Sultan as a man that can select the right women that won’t cause the concerns that arose by former Miss USA.

This introduction earned the Clinton Cartel between $1 MILLION- $5 MILLION.

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Epstein left on the 27th of May without Clinton. Instead Clinton spent time with the Sultan and flew to Europe on the Sultan’s private jet where he met up with his wife to discuss initiatives of the Clinton Foundation with a committee.

This is just another example of the CLINTON Cartel Quid Pro Quo and “helping” their friends for a price. The Sultan got away with the charges brought upon him and Epstein gained a very lucrative client while the Clinton Cartel got a hefty finders fee and a tip. We can add Crimes Against Children and trafficking to the list of criminal deeds by the Clinton Cartel or simply call it what it is: The Clintons and Epstein were business partners.

During Epstein’s plea deal a letter hoping to boost his image stated that he was “business partners” with Clinton because he was a co-Founder of the Clinton Foundation. Epstein thought that waving his clout with former IMPEACHED President Bill Clinton would help his image apparently it worked then but not now.

According to VOX Leslie Wexner is the founder, chair, and CEO of L Brands, the Ohio-based conglomerate that owns Victoria’s Secret, Pink, and Bath & Body Works, and has spin off brands like Abercrombie & Fitch. He’s worth $4.8 billion, according to Forbes, and for at least a decade he was Epstein’s only publicly known client. Every single MSM outlet also makes it a point to note that Wexner is not involved in the global pimp’s child rape market. Is that REALLY true?

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Were Epstein and Wexner simply business partners? It seems that Epstein and Wexner had more than just a business relationship. A victim of Epstein’s says different. Maria Farmer an aspiring artist was promised work as an art collector in 1995 but she ended up being Epstein’s Upper East Side “bouncer” and taking names of all guests. She said that in 1996, Epstein had supposedly set up an art project for her to work on at Leslie Wexner’s mansion in New Albany, Ohio. Farmer stated that it was at Wexner’s property that Maxwell and Epstein sexually assaulted her. Farmer stated that when she tried to leave the property with her two younger brothers that were with her Wexner’s security team refused to let her leave and her father had to drive from Kentucky to retrieve them.

How Sick is this?

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Why are they trying to sexualize children? Is this okay with you?

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What Victoria’s Secret called “magic” is was hyper-sexualization of children. If indeed they were targeting 15 and 16 year old girls then the sizes wouldn’t be small enough to fit children as young as 8. Besides, if they weren’t targeting tweenies they wouldn’t have had Bieber performing at their shows since 2012 and until he lost luster.

Who was all about sex Magick?

Their heralded satanist Aliester Crowley

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The underwear targeted for teens and tween had many suggestive phrases on them and also promoted the use of thongs. Why would a 12-14 year old need to wear a thong?

Calling girl’s in their tweens things and objectifying them was a concern too. “Campaigns like this encourage girls to think of themselves as objects and not as full-fledged humans with ideas and feelings” said Dana Udall-Weiner, a Santa Fe, N.M., psychologist who works with girls on body image in an interview with Time Magazine back in 2013.

Why in the world would tweens and teens wear undies that declare “Dare You,” “Call Me” or “Feeling Lucky?” or “After Party” and t-shirts saying “Enjoy the View”?

When NBC’s TODAY show reported on the “Bright Young Things” product launch, the reporter said: “The latest campaign features underwear too racy to show here.” Obviously, if underwear for tweens and teens is too racy for daytime TV it shouldn’t be made for tweens and teens.

Over sexualizing children is not just by pushing lingerie. Many retailers do this around the world. In 2017 a fashion show put on in China made global headlines of outrage making it seem like something new. It’s incredible how we forget the global outrage nude teenagers n posters in 2002 sparked.

Why are Children being encouraged to do this and see themselves as objects, barely clothed no less?

Do you want this for your children? No Good parent does.

If your children or grown, what about your grandchildren? Do you want them living in a world that promotes this heinous agenda?

There are many such brands and as stated it’s not just Victoria’s Secret that targets children .. Abercrombie & Fitch, also have come under fire. Back in 2002 Abercrombie & Fitch, angered many consumer advocacy groups with its summer and Christmas catalogs showing sexually provocative teenage-looking models apparently in the nude.

This is Outrageous, but not to those who are attempting to normalize pedophilia and are pushing for a + and a P after LGBTQ.

Since their re-vamp by Wexner, Abercrombie & Fitch have been recalling racist, derogatory and over sexualized apparel for tweens and teens. IN fact their 2009 BACK TO SCHOOL collection of graphic tees was atrocious. One t-shirt for girls had a picture of a girl flashing two men with her blouse open and the words “Show the Twins” on it. Their Back-To-School line was making sex more mainstream and part of tween and teen recreation.

Abercrombie & Fitch were a concern as Gene Ellerbee, VP of West Coast Operations for NCPCF had said to Seattle PI. The National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families (NCPCF) had collected anecdotal evidence of teens as young as 13 or 14 purchasing the magalog. The BACK TO SCHOOL magazine of 2003 is below. How would you feel knowing tweenies are reading that?

I won't be showing the fully nude pages and keep in mind This is for pre-teens, this shouldn't be marketed to teen or any Children!

Here is the cover marketed to children for Back to School. Remember, this was in 2003 so even if Your household didn't receive it, it is highly likely friends' households Did and if not, friends of friends. Children were already engaging on social network there even in gaming and chats.

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Other pages from the magazine.

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Signaling "enlightenment" and the gateway to fracturing the persona with "eye" symbology.

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Signaling the "Butterfly Effect" also known as MK ultra training done in young children.

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From the Vigilant Citizen on Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

Monarch Programming is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a mind-control program developed by the CIA, and tested on the military and civilians. The methods are astonishingly sadistic (its entire purpose is to traumatize the victim) and the expected results are horrifying: The creation of a mind-controlled slave who can be triggered at anytime to perform any action required by the handler. While mass media ignores this issue, over 2 million Americans have gone through the horrors of this program. This article looks at the origins of Monarch programming and some of its methods and symbolism.

The Monarch Butterfly. Every year, millions of these golden-winged insects migrate south to a small area of pine groves in central Mexico, which consists of only about 70 square miles.

The process of this journey has amazed scientists for years, because the time it takes for the migration to occur is actually longer than the lifespan of a Monarch butterfly (which is about 6 to 8 weeks). This means their offspring, born during the migration, simply knows where to go, and carries on from there. Call it instinct.

In fact, many wonder if there isn’t a kind of “genetic memory” at work, something hardwired or programmed within them that guides their actions toward their goal. This is something that exists in many animals, possibly even humans, like the bird’s ability to build a nest, or the turtle’s compulsion to bask on a sunny day.

But the Monarch butterfly is a symbol of something else, a different kind of programming that is said to permeate our modern society and control millions of people throughout the world.

As the story goes, Project Monarch was part of a covert CIA operation known as MKUltra, which began in 1953. It would also later be attributed to the Illuminati, and is allegedly still in use today.

Under Project Monarch, victims, usually young children, are subjected to intense trauma, inflicted to the point at which their minds dissociate from the experience. This causes a form of multiple-personality disorder, allowing the “programmer” (or “handler”) to mold these dissociated minds into new, controllable personalities.

From there, triggers (or “alters”) are put in place within popular media and other sources that “trigger” and cause these mind-controlled “slaves” to perform whatever actions they have been programmed to do.

What was the goal? CONTROL

Remember when the government brought over Hitler's top scientists through Project Paperclip?

Read skim or read here if you're not familiar.

While these types of mind control conspiracies aren’t necessarily unique (there’s also the NAZI Marionette programming, which we might look at later), the MKUltra program, as well as its precursors Project ARTICHOKE and Project BLUE BIRD, actually existed.

These CIA operations sought to understand hypnosis, new interrogation methods, forced addictions, behavioral engineering, and yes, mind control, among other things. A plethora of strange and, let’s face it, shady undertakings.

In fact, those who have been programmed likely don’t even know they are under control at all. Once triggered, their programmed personalities will surface and they’ll be like dancers on a string. Here are just a few of the supposed examples of Monarch programming in popular media, most commonly music and movies.

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I believe we see who's full of it! Only those sold out to satan wish to sexualize children and lower the age of consent.

Wexner, the mega donor and investor to Epstein and retail magnate whose brands have repeatedly targeted young children. CNN had done a great job expressing fears that parents had back in 2013 in this article demonstrating many Wexner brands that sexualize children.

A stay at home father told CNN what his experience was like going shopping for a bathing suit for his 7-year-old daughter. “There was a lot of string and barely any material.”

Sexualizing children is not just about clothes, marketing and Hollywood influence. It’s the most effective way as children always love to mimic and feel “current” and modern. The new wave of normalizing sex among children is obfuscated under something called “GENDER IDENTITY”. Why would children in kindergarten have to be taught about gender and how THEY have a say on their sexual preference? The younger children are introduced to the concept of sex the younger they become sexually active.

What’s the concern? Conditioning and normalizing the the sexualization of children is horrific but the million dollar question is WHY?

See what goes on with these children,

Little boy dances on stage in NY as men throw money, photograph, boy half clothed. Grooming or okay?

After all Epstein didn’t fly on jets and choppers around the world and even using jets owned and or operated by the State Department and Central I Agency for nothing. He provided the supply where there was demand. Wexner along with Hollywood, the Main Stream Media, toy manufacturers (i.e. Bratz), other retailers and Ad agencies all helped prime youth to be OPEN to recruitment with one ultimate goal. Objectifying children in order to normalize promiscuity in prepubescent and adolescents.

Did you know the former President of Mexico’s son was the Head of the NXIVM chapter in Mexico? Weinstein also had direct contacts with El Chapo, after all Sean Penn found him before Interpol did right. Epstein would impose himself in Chapo’s territory too. I guess now that they are 3 Doors Down from each other in cells at the Manhattan Correctional Center. Their Kryptonite is evident. POWER for Epstein but it’s family for Chapo that’s why he cultivated his singing voice.

There is a link to this going on with,

Please let me know your thoughts and ideas on this.


These are Fully Sourced and backed with evidence.

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