Today is the World Press Freedom Day!


World Press Freedom Day – a day to celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom!

On the surface this appears to have nothing to do with blockchain in general and EOS in particular however when you look closer you will see that in the future distributed and decentralized blockchain technology is the only solution which is going to guarantee that this important freedom is maintained.

What is even more important, decentralized and uncensureable content hosted on the blockchain will bring this freedom also to those who don't have access to free press at present. All media which are centrally managed and stored may be deleted, censored or manipulated, while those embedded in the blockchain and stored in decentralized databases with copies all over the internet are immune to such actions.

Remember, that freedoms we take for granted in Europe or US are not available to many less privileged, but decentralized blockchain is changing this at the very moment, and hopefully will play important role in that process.

If you want to read more on the subject then also check this interesting article:

Press freedom under serious threat from govts worldwide


Ah, and don't forget about forthcoming Dappathon - we just got two new participants:



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