Re-post and get more exposure with


Monetization of Steem posts is tricky and getting a reasonable number of meaningful upvotes is not an easy task. Well, at least for the vast majority of Steem users. The ugly truth is that even good quality posts get peanuts but there is always an option to share them on other platforms which allow content monetization to gain extra exposure and (possibly) few extra cents or (if you are lucky) even dollars 🤑


is one such platform where one can post directly or repost interesting and relevant content from other sources. The crowd there is quite different from the one visiting Steem as the platform is set on EOS blockchain, so even that there is some natural overlapping, by posting there or even re-posting your Steem content you can gain an extra audience and even earn some tips in EOS or other tokens set on EOS chain. Just bear in mind that the platform logic is very different than that of Steem - ATMOS, the native token of does not suffer from any inflation so there is no magic prize pool created out of a thin air which is shared between authors and voters. Simply if somebody likes your post or article then he can send you a tip funded by his personal assets.

As the whole thing is set on EOS chain, you would need an EOS account to log in and post. Well, actually you can post without EOS account just generating a pair of keys on the spot and posting anonymously, but if you do that then collecting potential tips will be tricky, although not impossible but that's something I will probably cover in another article...

So for a time being let's stick with EOS account - if you don't have one then check Murmur app or Lynx mobile wallet or google for other options.

But let's assume that you have an EOS account already and you know how to use Scatter or any similar wallet. And let's assume that you have just published this great post of yours on Steem but it doesn't seem to draw enough attention from the local crowd, so you would like to get more exposure...

... and with it is actually quite simple to achieve so now I will show you how to repost your Steem post on Discussions:

Open Scatter or similar wallet storing your EOS account keys, then open the site and click on LOGIN button:


If the login is successful you will see this "account" icon in the top bar :


Now to post anything just click on the "writing instrument" icon 😛

and you will see the publishing form:


which may be used for reposting as well as posting directly to Discussions.

Make the title of your publication, then select relevant sub:


In this case I have selected "Novusphere" sub as I was re-posting an entry about our project.

To repost just select "Url" and "Link" and provide the link to the content being reposted:


So after making sure that we have:

  • a title
  • proper sub
  • content (your comment for example - note that this field is mandatory, but if you want to repost without adding anything, just insert any character there like for example dot or asterisk)
  • parameters (url and link checked)
  • link to the content being reposted


we can either click "POST" if we are ready, or "PREVIEW" if we want to check how it is going to look after posting. I suggest to use preview just to make sure that everything is looking right.


If we click "POST" then posting transaction would have to be signed (in my case by Scatter):


and voila, we have the steem post re-posted:


The original Steem entry used as an example is the post you are reading now, and that is the re-posting result:

And there is even a nice tip on that entry:


1000 ATMOS is worth something like 2.5 EOS!


Untitled 2x.jpg

  • Reposting feature will also work with Youtube, Reddit, Trybe and many more sites/portals although the result may vary, but is being constantly developed and new features are being added all the time so every day it is just getting better 🙂
  • For a time being the content on Discussions is very EOS-Centric so to say, which is a natural thing for the EOS based platform but this is going to change in the future as we are planning to expand.
  • If you want to re-post any content not related to EOS (or you can't find relevant sub), then use:

created just for Steemians!

  • If you re-post third-party content make sure you get permission from the author.
  • If you have any comments or feature requests please contact us on Telegram (contact provided below) or just comment under this post.

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