Scatter - User Experience and Blockchain

We've come far with Blockchain technology. 

It's starting to truly look like applications everywhere both large and small will be able to transition over to this brave new technology to power their back-ends as needed. This leaves users in a stale mate situation though, as there is a pretty big change in the way you interact with a centralized application to the way you interact with a decentralized one. 

Cryptography is of course the first thing that comes to mind. Anything to do with keypairs is magic for most people. Most of us are used to just putting our passwords into forms on websites, without realizing the implications of what we are doing. The second that a website has your password, they don't technically have to do what they say they are going to do with it. You put your trust into them to uphold their end of the bargain and hash it properly before setting it into their database. When we take that same flow and replace password with credit card the incentive to not do right becomes a bit larger depending on what the site thinks they can get away with. If we once again replace credit card with private key this is where things get hairy. What you've done is effectively given away all your money ( you lovable charitable person, you ). You have absolutely zero guarantees that the website will not just steal every penny from you without even knowing who took it. 

The problem here is that we want to be able to use our private keys. We just don't want to give them away. We need to be able to sign transactions on the blockchain to make it useful for us. Otherwise it's like having a house that only we have the key for, but we're sleeping on the bench outside because we don't want to unlock the door

So how do we interact with web applications?

Luckily, we've been doing massive amounts of work here at Scatter to help you do just that. Scatter is a signature provider which integrates with EOS and Ethereum Blockchains. It allows you to keep your private keys safe on your local machine but still interact with web applications by giving providing them with signatures for transactions.

It's much more than that though. It's a way to make the blockchain easy, for everyone. Check out the video below as we go through the functionality of Scatter and showcase some of it's capabilities. Discover how easy, and safe interacting with the blockchain can be.

You can get more information about Scatter here:

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