Thoughts on EOS - Voice

I'm confident plenty of steemians have seen the videos already, and I'm sure those of us who like to dig deep into things are starting to formulate similar questions in our head. Yes, without a doubt the notion of eliminating bots and sock puppet accounts sounds interesting, but this comes at a big cost, privacy.


Trust us

That is what it's being asked by Block one, and listen I'm not saying that we shouldn't, I'm just saying that this is quite new to the world of cryptocurrencies. The pillars of this movement were built upon the idea that we had to trust code and not corruptible humans, but maybe, and of course we lack all details here, there is a way to circumvent the challenge.


Is always the hardest and most complex element of any token's economics. Which is to say, that you need to as a developer, as someone who is building an economy, to come up with a powerful and compelling reason to make people hold on to their tokens.

At this point we operate almost exclusively as a speculative market, and as such, the reward which is correlated with the incentive needs to appeal to our human nature. With that in mind, we can think back to the reasons why people accumulate resources, and use this basic framework to speculate the reason why electronic resources is even a real thing. Which is to say, What is the advantage gained by accumulating more?

Voice sounds promising

In a sense that it could be a lot easier to understand and thus to use, but as far as I can tell the plans are still pretty green. The token of course will eventually be listed to be traded, and yes I'm sure there will be an initial hype that will probably make it move aggressively in one direction or another, but again, the incentives need to be very clever.

The notion that you can put your comment on top, you can effectively self promote, spend your tokens, to be the loudest voice in the room is very interesting to me. Yes, some people love attention and believe their opinion to be the golden nail that finishes the coffin, but is that most people? Could we be appealing to pride and arrogance? Granted I could be exaggerating here, but this does pose a peculiar dynamic.

Steemit Killer it is not

Of that I feel pretty confident. Unfortunately the one thing that keeps this place alive, is the one thing that angers a lot of people, greed. Yes, I said it, because it's simply the truth and if Voice can't appeal to greed, maybe it can't truly take off, just maybe.

Once again, I stand by the notion that they will co-exist just fine and that plenty of us will be making noise here and there. Why not? I ask you. More so because the UBI element (tokens for showing up) seems like too much of a tease for us to ignore. Now, will these tokens moon, as we say? Maybe initially, but unless there's a master chess move around the corner, I don't see it lasting long.

Just my two cents.


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