Checking the current ETH contributions towards EOS using

Recently, websites such as are displaying a figure for the current ETH contributed, which does not accurately reflect the actual number ETH contributed for the current period. Even the EOS.IO front page is updating much more slowly than normal. 

Whilst they work on a fix, we can use etherscan to find ETH contributions for any specific period; previous, current, and future.

Steps (or just follow this link and skip to Step 5.):

  1. Go to EOS.IO and copy the token distribution address after agreeing with all the T&C: 0xd0a6E6C54DbC68Db5db3A091B171A77407Ff7ccf

  2. Go to

  3. Paste the copied token address into the search address at the top and click Go:

  4. Click on the Read Smart Contract tab:

  5. You will be greeted with this page:
    Scroll down and look at 14. > today →. This value shows the current distribution period number (I have erased the value the screenshot to not cause confusion to future readers).

  6. If you would like to know the current ETH contributions for the current period, input the value from above into 10. > dailyTotals and click Query. If you would like to know about any other period, simply input your desired period's number.

  7. The output value will be a very long number. For example, for period 10 the output is 16283277066748270823385

  8. You will need to divide the output value by 1000000000000000000 (18 decimal places). This gives 16283.277... the amount of ETH contributed in period 10.

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