EOS Wallet Design

EOS Wallet Mockup.png



I am an UX Designer from the FinTech industry and I have been following the cryptospace since early 2017. I first started out with Ethereum, using the official wallet & Mist. I thought that these wallets were too technical, and not user friendly enough for mass adoption. When I realized that many other wallets (Core-Wallets anyone?) are even worse I decided to do something about it. I first started with Digibyte, now moving to EOS.

Why UX matters

When we want to achieve mass adoption in this space good UX is crucial. Besides from the design itself — which should stay simple and uncluttered but expandable if the user want to get into details — additional functionalities overall enhance the experience and make it more accessible to everyone, not only the techies!

What can be done?

I've created a list with a couple of features that came into my mind. Feel free to add to this list in the comments below so I can see what is important to you.

  • Notification about backups (or even automated backups)
  • Displaying balance in a value-proposition the user can pick himself (BTC, BTS, USD, EUR etc.)
  • Built in tutorials
  • Statistics section with graphical indicators
  • Fancy animations

First drafts

I made some basic screens for an EOS wallet. Please let me know what you think about it and what is important to you when you use a desktop wallet.

EOS Banner_inverse.png


EOS_Wallet_Login Processed.png

Overview with expanded details


Send EOS

EOS_Wallet_Send Filled.png

Confirm EOS transaction with password

EOS_Wallet_Send Confirm.png

Add contacts

EOS_Wallet_Send EmptyContacts Add.png

Your opinion is asked now!

As you have seen nothing fancy is going on in here at the moment, only a transaction list (overview), sending EOS and adding contacts. I am at the very beginning but I'd like to make a wallet design based on feedback from the EOS community. I hope block.one can also benefit from it and possibly adopt one or another feature or design decisions requested by the community, requested by you.


Note: I am not contracted by block.one. I wish I could put more time and effort into EOS development/collaboration work though. Having a full time job I currently only have time on weekends, so don't expect superfast progress.

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