EOS condition

As you may know, after the 5 first crowdfund´s days of the EOS Blockchain, it remain 700000000Eos unsold that will be sell on rate of 2000000Eos per day!
It mince that there is actually two possibility to purchase EOSToken. and that is very important for the market price.
Eos rise more than 651,902.18ETH for 200000000EOSToken sold!! record. they are still collecting money and giving out token everyday not at a fixed price, but depending on the amount of Ether that they collect on the day.
that mince they can collect various amount of ETH everyday.
So what will happen if they collect a big or small amount on a day?
More Ether= marketprice go up
Less Ether= marketprice go down
For traders and investors it will not be good if EOS collect only a small amount of Ether in the next day because they will always give the same amount of EOStoken out. so the inflation will be to big. dally investor will still earn money by selling under last day price.
So initial investor will lose money or ETH day by day.and that will continuous going like that for day 1, 2, 3, ... untill all the token are sold out: something about 1 year!!
What to do to solve that problem?
you may already have an answer!!
Buy more and more everyday.
that mince EOSteam has to get more and more money days after days so that every investor can have profit. #
How should it go?
For the first 5 days, we invest successfully 651,902.18Eth to get 200000000Eos token.
at this time we can buy 2000000Eos token every 23h. but how many Eth should we invest for today and the next day so that we do not lose our investment or a part of it.
2000000=1% of 200000000.
that mince the amount of to invest Ether in the coming days should be proportional at the rate of 1% for the first day.
That equals to minimum 6519.218Eth for they first day and don´t have to be less than that until all the token are sold.
Now what about day 2, 3, 4, ......, 351?
Like you know many Exchanges like Kraken FX, Bitifinex, Yunbi, Hitbit, BTER, ... have already add EOS Token. Succes for the team.
So we have a marketprice.
just imagine that the daily crowdsallprice is less than our marketprice.
Today traders will naturally lose money.
It mince we have to ajust investment to marketprice. oder side, we will lose everyday.
For example, at the press time the price is looking like 0.00402465 ETH according to Coinmarketcap.
0.00402465 X 2000000 = 8049,3 ETH to buy 2000000Eos.
We must invest more than 8049,3 ETH in the crowdsall today to stabillise the price.
If not, today buyers will lose money.
And it has to go on that road 350times.
Let us calculate now how many Ether the team can get for all the token to sold.
the operation will look like a geometrical sequence.
U0 = 6519.218Eth R = 8049,3/6519.218 = 1.234
U1 = 8049,3
U2 = 8049,3 X 1.234 = 9932,83ETH
U3 = 12257,1122
U3 = 15125.28
U4 = 18664.59


S=( U0 + U1 + U2 + U3 + U4 ....... U350)= U0(1-1,234>350)/(1-1,234) = 1.3922 X 10Expo35

Finalcontribution= 651,902.18Eth + 1.3922 X 10Expo35 = 139225009200000000000000000000000000Eth

the Amount will be too big. bigger than existing Ether. so it cannot happen!!
How to solve it?

Start tomorrow not trading at more than 1.001 today price.
if we do so, it can change the result to:
S = 8049.3 + 8049.3( 1-1.001>349)/(1-1.001)= 3367843,19
Finalcontribution= 4019745,37Eth = 4.324% all Ether = fair

so be careful about the price at which you are buying. because buying to high will only result of lose about 341 days.

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