EOS Multi threaded parallel processing execution


It was late Nov - early Dec 2017 when Dan posted a developer update here on steemit highlighting working around the clock to make eos io the most advanced blockchain software and working with key players to migrate their platforms.

The block.one team has been working around the clock to make eos.io the most advanced blockchain software possible. While advancing the core software, we have also been working with a number of major players in the industry to migrate their platforms to make use of the eos.io software.

Sounds good right! well, there is more...

In the same developer update Dan goes on switching from little eos io to big EOS.IO to discuss some changes.

EOS.IO is not a fixed specification, but a living design that is constantly being enhanced above and beyond our original white paper. We strive to make EOS.IO the best possible platform and to deliver it as rapidly as we can. Today we would like to discuss some of the changes that we are in the process of implementing.

Now, I'm a fan of 'changes' as sung by the 'hero' famed not least for helping to tear down the Berlin wall in 1987, the legendary man who fell to earth, but I digress, we are only human, right.

Back to more recent events and a discussion over on EOS Telegram chat regards EOS Multi threaded parallel processing and whether it would be ready by June 2018 or not as the case might be.

Our original roadmap called for a single threaded implementation to be complete by June 2018 and for multi-threaded development to take place thereafter.

So, imagine the excitement hearing of development advancements, key players migrating and parallel execution ahead of schedule not to mention secure enclave biometrics and a company that spent years fighting a trademark dispute with the record label belonging to the legendary Beatles.

We are excited to share that work on the parallel execution engine has begun 8 months ahead of schedule and we believe that it will be ready by June 2018. The work required to make this happen includes a complete rewrite of chainbase, the underlying database technology behind Steem.

Then a series of events took place that saw first the removal of milestones for Dawn 3.0 and a multithreaded test net followed by some big announcements and Dan casually dropping a bomb shell on Telegram chat to announce, well...

eosio is designed to scale but will be single threaded at launch.


End of excitement! not quite, there are possibly still a bunch of other amazing features and lots of big announcements to follow, so hold on to your hats, this is not the end of EOS blockchain multi threaded parallel processing execution, it's just the beginning.

As always comments welcome, share 🤔, resteem 🔃 like 👍 and most of all enjoy! 😃

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