South Korean Giant IT Company to Run for EOS Block Producer

Today on 2nd of April, one of the South Korean giant IT company NEOWIZ has officialy announced that they are about to run for EOS block producer as a name of EOSeoul.

This company , NEOWIZ, is well know for the world’s first web-based chatting community "Sayclub"(, a game portal "Pmang"( and music steaming service provider called "Bugs Music"( which is extremely prefered by young generation in South Korea.

Key members of NEOPLY, a branch of NEOWIZ company, and NEOWIZ itself has been nominated including the CEO of NEOPLY.

EOSeoul team will be annoucing the details in a 2 to 3 days. Interestingly, they have joined Steemit for their official SNS channel.

Below is a snapshot of their article just posted on Korean EOS society KOREOS.

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