BP Community Proposal: bpminpayment


Question: Do you support a proposal to lower the minimal BP payout threshold to 50 EOS per day?

We propose to lower current minimum Block Producer payout threshold from 100 EOS/day to 50 EOS/day.

Why the ‘bpminpayment’ proposal?

This will instantly include about 20 additional BP teams into the paid status and create an incentive for them to keep their infrastructure running and continue to contribute into EOS community.

We have many talented teams who actively participated in Testnet effort and preparation for the EOS launch that are not compensated currently and continue to cover the costs of running their infrastructure. If EOS community is to remain an inclusive and innovative environment - we need to put right incentives in place and retain good talent in a community.

Current compensation curve:

Our proposed model has longer tail compensation curve to include more standby BPs:

See more details here: BP Compensation Model

Proposal registered on Blockchain:

./cleos.sh get table eosforumdapp eostribeprod proposal
"rows": [{
"proposal_name": "bpminpayment",
"title": "Do you support proposal to lower minimal BP payout threshold to 50 EOS per day?",
"proposal_json": "{"type": "bps-proposal-v1", "content":"We propose to lower current minimum Block Producer payout threshold from 100 EOS/day to 50 EOS/day. \nThis will instantly include about 20 additional BP teams into paid status and create incentive for them to keep their infrastructure running and continue to contribute into EOS community. \nWe have many talented teams who actively participated in Testnet effort and preparation for the EOS launch that are not compensated currently and continue to cover the costs of running their infrastructure. \nIf EOS community is to remain an inclusive and innovative environment - we need to put right incentives in place and retain good talent in a community. "}"
"more": false

How to vote for the proposal:

Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 8.46.18 AM.png


Many Thanks to @genereos for developing EOSToolkit.io voting portal.
Special thank you to @eos-asia for covering the news about this proposal to token holders in Asian region and providing voting portal MyEOSKit.com.
Thank you to Alex @eos-canada for providing guidance and instructions on command line tool.

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