Why EOS needs a top 21 block producer in Silicon Valley


Silicon valley has a long history of being the spot for entrepreneurs to congregate and build world scale technology together. Much of the world's best engineers, designers, investors and academics have lived or frequented the area in their pursuit of turning dreams into reality. This has been the case since the first transistor company moved here in 1956 and has continued over 60 years during which companies such as Intel, Apple, Oracle, Google, Netflix, and Airbnb have been built.

Today, some things have changed. Silicon Valley has grown rampantly and extended well beyond its original geography to include the San Francisco bay area. Decentralization is changing the world and blockchain startups are hatching their way in Silicon Valley at a rate that is unmatched in quantity or quality anywhere in the world. Bay Area companies such as Coinbase, Stellar, and Kraken are just a few examples of the hundreds of the blockchain startups working feverishly to bring on Web 3.0. One constant is that Silicon Valley is still the hub for innovation.

One of the new blockchain startups in the area is EOS Silicon Valley. We are one of more than 100 global block producers working together to enable, host and secure the EOS Mainnet on June 2nd. EOS is a high throughput smart contract enabled blockchain engineered by Dan Larimer and the team at Block.one. The software itself is open source and will require a distributed network of block producers like us to host, secure and and collectively lead the EOS ecosystem.

EOS Silicon Valley is vying to to be one of the 21 active block producers. We want to ensure EOS has the the best technical expertise and leadership contribution from the leading technologists of the area. To do this we have put together a world class team of talent from companies including Google, Lyft, Oracle, Apple and Linkedin.

What’s the benefit of having a strong EOS Block Producer based in Silicon Valley?


To ensure EOS has talent from the best technology companies in the world. Specifically, talent that has built and scaled infrastructure and applications for companies like Google, Lyft and Apple. Being a top 21 block provider will provide necessary funding to continue hiring top talent to build cutting edge infrastructure for EOS and grow the ecosystem.


We see ourselves as more than just an infrastructure provider. On behalf of all block producers, we are engaging with the largest tech companies and liveliest startup communities in the world to grow EOS. Your vote ensures we can maximise our engagements in Silicon Valley which leads to my next point.

Network effect:

Having access to assist and educate the best tech companies in the world ensures EOS has visibility in the most important tech location in the world. We are also able to engage with the tens of thousands of international entrepreneurs who regularly visit Silicon Valley. Every day, we have 1000s of visitors arriving for business or attending the areas rich meetup and conference scene.

In Conclusion:

For EOS to achieve optimal success it's important that there is a strategic mix of geographically diverse block producers voted into the top 21. With the talented team we have assembled and our access to the liveliest tech community EOS Silicon valley makes an excellent choice with one of your 30 selections.

Please cast a vote for EOS Silicon Valley when mainnet launches on June 2nd. We will provide voting instructions soon.

Join us on social media so we can keep you up to date on the EOS launch.

Website: https://eossv.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/eossv
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@eossv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EOS_SV
Medium: https://medium.com/@eossiliconvalley
Email: eossiliconvalley@gmail.com

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