Introducing SimplEOS: a desktop Wallet + Voting Interface for the EOS ecosystem


SimplEOS - your simple and secure EOS wallet

Made with ♥️ by EOS Rio, a Block Producer candidate

SimplEOS is a wallet made solely for the EOS ecosystem, aiming to be fully integrated with all features available in the EOS.IO software.

EOS Rio made SimplEOS with a security and transparency philosophy. It is a desktop application compatible with the most popular operating systems (Windows, Linux and MacOS).

User experience focus was also a main part of SimplEOS creation process.

Our code is on GitHub to be audited by the community. Please keep in mind this software is still in its first releases and there may be minor bugs.

Main Features

As of 13/06/2018 (v 0.3.5), SimplEOS main features include:

  • Local Storage: private keys are encrypted and stored locally only.
  • Import Exodus wallet
  • Multiple accounts support
  • Token transfer
  • Password Protected transactions
  • Contacts List / Add contacts
  • Transactions / Action History
  • Integration with the awesome block explorer from EOS Flare
  • Voting Interface

Security Measures

Encryption & Local storage only

SimplEOS is a desktop wallet because we know some users aren't comfortable using their private keys on web browser applications. Your private keys are stored locally only and are properly encrypted with a user defined password of 10+ characters.

Proxy to fetch external data

External informations outside of the blockchain (such as the Block Producer standard) are fetched via a proxy server provided by EOS Rio, to avoid malformed json data and third-party servers' misconfigurations.


Voting Interface


Token transfer and Contacts list


This page Interface design was inspired by the incredible work of @kedward


Transaction / Action History


How to use

1. Download

Latest download links can be found at Github -
Just click on the file that has the extension that is right for your OS

  • .exe for Windows
  • .dmg for MacOS
  • .AppImage for Linux


Only download SimplEOS from EOS Rio's Website, Github or Steemit. Avoid scams, do not trust any other source.

Distribution or copy of this software or any of its parts and associated documentation, is not allowed by applicable law, unless previous written permission is given by EOS Rio. All rights are reserved.

SimplEOS doesn't keep any of your information. All information is kept locally only, not in any cloud services or databases.

However, as with everything involving private keys, please be diligent with your personal security. Never expose your desktop to suspicious websites or applications.

Legal Disclaimer

By downloading SimplEOS you agree to the Terms of Service.

2. Install

Note: Windows may give a warning asking you to accept because we haven't purchased Microsoft code signing Certificate yet.

3. Two "Login" Options

a. Use existing key


b. Import Exodus Wallet

Intuitive steps for this can be found at SimplEOS when you click the button.

Planned Roadmap

When mainnet is activated with 15% of votes:

  • Stake/Unstake functions - DONE ✔
  • Display the other tokens (such as airdrops tokens)

Next features to be implemented:

  • Create new account - high priority
  • Create new wallet - high priority
  • Edit/remove contacts - high priority
  • Testnets support
  • Delegate Permissions
  • Secured Delayed Transactions
  • Mobile Version
  • Multi languages support

Help us continue funding this projects by voting for us as Block Producers :)

Special Thanks

We would like to thank the amazing Exodus Team for their help, support and interest in the project. What a team of such committed, collaborative and nice people.

Website -

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