EOS Update 22.10.2018

Hello guys! I’ve been away for 10 days – for good and bad. Good is the opportunity to relax a little, but bad is that everything gets distorted. I love my routines. I gotta do my daily runs/walks, market check ups in the morning, writing a little. Right now I feel out of touch and my mind is clouded. Just going to mention this to remind you all how important structure and routine is – in all aspects of life.

Anyway..so what has happened in the markets and EOS these past ten or so days!? Worth noting is of course the Tether chaos that happened a week ago which made Bitcoin rise suddenly on Bitfinex all the way to $7800 as well as on other exchanges as high as $7200-7300. Some predicted that the price would crash because people were just forced to move into BTC – while others remained more hopeful. What happened was that we struggled to keep momentum, volumes drop mega low and we are right now hovering just above the 21d moving average as well as being in the clear of the long term bearish trendline. HOWEVER, we are not in the clear by much, so I am still holding my breath on this one. The price of EOS is still irrelevant as it just follows BTC at this point.

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But what about EOS. What’s been going on? While I was away a lot of stuff happened. Let’s take a brief look at some of them



Dice has been one of the more successful gambling sites on EOS, and last week they started paying out dividends for holding DICE tokens. And both the price of DICE as well as payouts were just insane. Yesterday you could earn around 5EOS in dividends for holding around 250k DICE tokens. Of course, the payout varies but the userbase is growing and the team seems to be very good at adding new features and sharing the profit. 4,500 daily users and 14m EOS in volume – those are crazy numbers. The thing is, gambling is really fun, and people love to gamble and people have always gambled. In human history two things has always remained, prostitution and gambling. So taking high risk has definitely proven to be a very important element in our evolution. With Blockchain, EOS and this model, however they are re-inventing gambling and casinos. You got more of an edge as a gambler, but even if you are NOT a gambler, you can be a co-owner and earn dividends with a simple click.

Today, they even added a lottery. I bought 1000 tickes for 1 EOS just for fun. Other than that I’m not a gambling man. Not cut our for that. BUT..for transparency I do have staked DICE, and it is in my interest to write about it. Just so we’re clear about that.

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Right now, the mcap for DICE is around 20m USD, which is something..not nothing. Still, gambling is a huge market so potentially is 20m nothing. DICE could easily 10x and even 100x under the right circumstances. But what we really need is EOS adoption. If people don’t find out about this stuff, and they don’t get into crypto and EOS, it will stagnate for sure. And even for people all ready IN crypto and EOS, why are they so slow at adopting when they all ready are in the space? Is the threshold too high? Are they afraid of scams? Hacking? Or are they time capped? Meaning..do most people just grant themselves 1 hour or less per day to dive into EOS? Do they watch TV or play computer games instead of jumping on investing opportunities? I think so..Which made me think..how many people are using EOS right now? And how fast are we gaining users?



There are currently 419,000 accounts on EOS, which is to be honest very little. A lot of people hold 10 or more accounts, and some hold 100s if not 1000s of accounts. But to stay conservative, let’s say each person holds 4,19 accounts on avg, that leaves us with 100,000 unique users on EOS. How many of these users are active users? Counting all the Dapps users past 24h, I come to 15000. So 15% use Dapps including the exchanges such as newdex and dexeos. Yes, these are extremely low numbers. But let’s compare that to Ethereum. Ethereum has over 40M unique addresses, but since they are free to create the threshold is lower. Anyone can create 1000 addresses if they want to – for free. Estimated active users is however 5-600,000. But that is also included multiple addresses per users, so EOS is quite close. When it comes do Dapps ETH has around 10,000 users compared to EOS 15,000 users. Numbers of transactions are probably the most interesting. And here is EOS kicking ass and taking names

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All of this at 0,47% of capacity.



Back to one of the popular Dapps, or FOMO games or whatever we should call them. This particular did even take Dan Larimer’s interest and he proposed some changes – one important one being that the pot had to grow with a certain percentage per day, or else a winner or more winners would be announced. This helped the game a little bit, and I personally got back some more EOS. Still going slow, but it’s alive. Another cool feature now is that you can chose to only view your own pixels.




For those who haven’t heard about this yet, it’s basically a cannabis supply chain being built on EOS. As you might know, cannabis is now legalised in Canada, and it is a booming industry and it will continue to be legalised in other countries as well. They are also changing the airdrop model a little bit, as far as I know they will make a bunch of airdrops over the span of one year, and to be eligible for the next airdrop you need to hold “SEED” tokens from the former. This will incentivise people to hold and stake. This is an interesting model, and I like all these different new models for airdrops/grabs etc. We are still in the experimental phase, so you just gotta accept and embrace sudden changes in everything here. I have just learned to go with the flow. There are no regulations in here, you only gamble what you can lose, and you can’t expect anything to really work the way you thought it would or expected it to. Just learn how to adapt quickly and jump on as many trains as you can. Some of those trains might take you to a space shuttle to mars..

I personally think the project looks interesting and professional, and Matt has some great informational videos where he interview they guys behind.

And I think I’m going to wrap it up for today. I’m just getting settled here..updating, getting back into the groove. Make sure you buy promising “shitcoins” on Newdex/Dexeos, that you opt in for airdrops, grabs whatever on eostoolkit. Make sure you stake the tokens you can stake, and earn your dividends. We are in even earlier phase than I think has been communicated. People keep saying “early phase”, and indeed we are. I leave you with this chart..

PS: I want to give a little shout out to Steemmonsters on STEEM, that went live the other day. QUITE fun. A bit generic and clicky, and make no mistake – it is NOT running on blockchain. But, the cards are transactions made on Steem and you own them. Also prizes will be in steem/sbd. Congratulations to the team and their success.


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Disclaimer: Everything I write are MY opinions. I am not a financial advisor, nor am I an expert on anything. Even if I am enthusiastic for something, I might be wrong and it can turn out to be something shitty. I can’t guarantee that I will go back and edit my article. I will do my absolute best to do so and to make sure that what I write is correct, but I can’t give any promises. Do your own due diligence and take responsibility for your self. Thank you.

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