EOSIndia responses on two extra check marks

EOSIndia responses on two extra check marks

EOSIndia core values:

• EOSIndia is a subsidiary of Indian Eagle which has a very unique business model, unlike any other block producer.

• Indian Eagle is a growing team of travel economists in the business of travel industry. A leading, trusted travel booking partners of Indians in the US with the best team of travel specialists in air ticketing at work 24x7.

• Indian Eagle business model “proven track record of success” enchants EOS block production services to enterprise standard with 24x7 technical support.

People -

• We attract and recruit the finest tech associates in the world.

• We build our organization from within, promoting and rewarding people without regard to any difference unrelated to performance.

• We act on the conviction that the men and women of EOSInida will always be our most important asset.

Leadership -

• We are all leaders in our area of responsibility, with a deep commitment to deliver leadership results.

• We have a clear vision of where we are going.

• We focus our goals to achieve leadership objectives and strategies.

Ownership -

• We accept personal accountability to meet the business needs, improve our systems, and help others improve their effectiveness.

• We all act like owners, treating the company’s assets as our own and behaving with the company’s long-term success in mind.

Integrity -

• We always try to do the right thing.

• We are honest and straight-forward with each other.

• We operate within the letter and spirit of the law.

• We uphold the values and principles of Indian Eagle in every action and decision.

• We are data-based and intellectually honest in advocating proposals, including recognizing risks.

Trust -

• We are determined to be the best at doing what matters most.

• We have a healthy dissatisfaction with the status quo.

• We have a compelling desire to improve and to win in the marketplace.

EOSIndia community project timeline:

• At EOSIndia, we are constantly impressed by the sheer breadth of creative dapps on EOS that are lined up using digital technology for good.

• It’s exciting that there are so many initiatives using EOS to bring about change, providing access to skills, knowledge, employment, technical expertise and other services.

• We thought we’d share we've come across through our work building community services.

• EOSIndia develops free and open source software tools for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping with dapp usage.

• Branching out a block explorer designed for deep analytics with deep digital infrastructure.

• EOSIndia believes everyone deserves access to a world-class block chain education, and offer free online courses from the top EOS collections to achieve this.

EOSIndia Finances & level of transparency:

• Accounting standards and full disclosure rules might not be hard and set for block producers.

• But EOSIndia honors company transparency & accounting transparency as an obligation instead of choice to EOS community.

• EOSIndia voluntarily adopt same standards similar to large businesses and corporations follow.

• EOSIndia is a subsidiary of Indian Eagle with multi-million dollar revenues and has been operating these standards to their stakeholders since several years.

• Accounting Practices - EOSIndia follow Indian GAAP standards to keep personal and business funds separate, follow the principle of full disclosure and use accrual rather than cash-basis accounting.

• Financial Audit Policy - Initiating an external accounting audit policy and increasing transparency by exposing business’s accounting practices, financial records, and internal control system to an independent third-party audit firm.

• Annual Reports - Includes significant amounts of information about goodwill and financial information section. Block reward figures and financial records and current financial information -- including an income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

• Public Information Disclosure Policy – Commitment to honesty and transparency in business transactions and communications to give an advantage in situations that have the potential to damage the EOSIndia reputation. Making this information public and taking steps to make sure it doesn’t reoccur can, over the long term, increase community confidence being a block producer.

EOSIndia security measures -

• EOSIndia is taking following proactive measures individually to cover layer 7 attacks -

• Network Security Management and Monitoring: Includes controlling changes to our network infrastructure and monitoring within EOSIndia vpc for traffic irregularities or other anomalous behavior.

• Ingress Traffic Control: Network traffic originating from outside of EOSIndia VPC often includes a variety of authorized and unauthorized users, especially for public-facingng applications. Network controls used to control inbound traffic need to reduce your application’s attack surface, distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate traffic, and allowing us to mitigate external threats to our network.

• Egress Traffic Control: Network traffic leaving a VPC could be doing so for authorized or unauthorized reasons. Network controls used to control outbound traffic need to be able to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate traffic and allow you to mitigate external threats like allowing compromised internal servers to communicate with command and control systems or to steal sensitive data. Controlling VPC Egress Traffic contains additional information about how to control network traffic exiting a VPC.

• DDoS Attack Mitigation – AWS advanced shield which we have enrolled offers intelligent attack detection, and mitigation for attacks at the application & network layers with 24×7 access to AWS DDoS Response Team (DRT).Custom mitigation during attacks, advanced real time metrics and reports, and DDoS cost protection to guard against bill spikes in the aftermath of a DDoS attack.

EOSIndia contribution to EOS/dapp platform -

• EOS deeply requires mass adoption to be revolutionary!

• EOSIndia strongly believe endorsing dapp development to encourage EOS community acting like venture/mentor capitalist.

• EOSIndia have already started supporting these discussions with several developer communities, launching meetups on several cities and planning to conduct boot camps to spread EOS capabilities.

• Few dapps which were being launched in ETH today, started planning to migrate EOS and we will disclose these details in coming weeks.

• EOSIndia wants to be flexible aiming “Win-Win” - “EOS-EOSInida” and want to be in a spirit to contribute maximum rewards to EOS community paving way for killer dapps.

• EOSIndia committed to support dapp community in every other possible way we can.

• EOSInida is currently working with few startups focused on travel and gaming industry to get them launched on EOS with potential airdrop after main net launch.

EOSIndia Position on Dividends (The sharing of Block Producer inflation rewards with unaffiliated voters, AKA "vote buying.") :

• EOSIndia believe that vote buying and selling are immoral and against EOSIO constitution.

• Vote buying allows buyers to engage in rent-seeking that diminishes overall EOS network wealth & health.

• Consequentialist: the worry is that in a regime where vote-buying is legal, votes will be bought and sold in socially destructive ways.

• Deontological: It holds that votes are just not the kind of thing that ought be for sale, even if it turned out that vote-buying and selling did not lead to bad consequences.

• Many people think vote selling is wrong because it would lead to bad or corrupt voting.

• But, if that is the problem, then perhaps the permissibility of vote buying and selling should be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

• Perhaps the rightness or wrongness of individual acts of vote buying and selling depends entirely on how the vote seller votes.

• Suppose I pay a person to vote in a good way.For instance, suppose I pay indifferent people to vote on behalf of women's rights, or for the Correct Theory of Justice, whatever that might be. Or, suppose I think turnout is too low, and so I pay a well-informed person to vote her conscience. It is unclear why we should conclude in either case that I have done something wrong, rather than conclude that I have done everyone a small public service.

• Certain objections to vote buying and selling appear to prove too much; these objections lead to conclusions that the objectors are not willing to support. For instance, one common argument against voting selling is that paying a person to vote imposes an externality on third parties. However, so does persuading others to vote or to vote in certain ways If paying you to vote for X is wrong because it imposes a third party cost, then for the sake of consistency, I should also conclude that persuading you to vote for X, say, on the basis of a good argument, is equally problematic.

• As another example, some object to voting markets on the grounds that votes should be for the common good, rather than for narrow self-interest. Others say that voting should “be an act undertaken only after collectively deliberating about what it is in the common good”. Some claim that vote markets should be illegal for this reason.

• Perhaps it’s permissible to forbid vote selling because commodified votes are likely to be cast against the common good. However, if that is sufficient reason to forbid markets in votes, then it is unclear why we should not, e.g., forbid highly ignorant, irrational, or selfish voters from voting, as their votes are also unusually likely to undermine the common good.

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