EOS Airdrop... and so it begins...

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Hello Friends,

We're excited to announce the EDNA 1-for-1 Airdrop on the #EOS network has officially begun, and 536,238,949.7112 EDNA's are in users hands, with more and more being delivered each day.

So far, two exchanges have decided to list and support trading of EDNA's:
Chaince Exchange &
We are working on expanding this list.

Also the cool-cats at Greymass have released a wallet that allows you to track delivery of your EDNA's (and other EOS tokens/airdrops) - and you don't even need to insert you private keys to do so! You can check it out here. You'll need the contract name doing the dropping and the symbol name to see coins in your account.

Contract: ednazztokens
Symbol: EDNA

Please bear in mind this can be a time-consuming process. We are working the account list from largest to smallest, and the list of accounts to visit is substantially over 89,000 names long. Projects better funded then ours are air-dropping with supersonic stealth bombers. We on the other hand, have a '49 Cessna 190 with a leaky carburetor. Rest assured we'll get your tokens on the ground in the end, and that's a promise. Follow our flight progress.

Important Note: If you held 100 or more EOS in your non-exchange account on 2 June 2018 you don't need to do anything to receive the drop. If you had your EOS on either BigONE or Chaince, there's likewise nothing to do. 31,743,825 EDNA's have already been dropped to these exchanges, and you should see yours in your account soon. EOS Holders who had less than 100 on June 2 will need to visit our website and claim your tokens. It's a quick process, submit the "Contact Us" form with your email and EOS Account Name (the 12-letter short name for your account) and you're all set.

Lastly for today, I'd like to say a word about the EDNA token itself.

It's easy to look at a "free thing" and believe it has no value - after all, why would a valuable be given away? The market will eventually put a value on the EDNA, and when it does, it will become tempting to exchange the "free stuff" for Bitcoin or something else you know has value. I understand that, and in the short-term it does make some sense... but...

Before you act on the exciting thought of something for nothing, I'd only ask that you take a good hard look and evaluate for yourself "What's the real value of this EDNA thing?" The market will try and make this easy for you, it will tell you in black-and-white "That EDNA is worth X% of a BTC." - but is that the truth? Markets can be driven by speculation, even group-frenzy can play a role in deciding for you via emotional tugs.

Doing your own research and thinking for yourself about what the market isn't thinking about can often make you the winner in the end, and because you bother to read the stuff I write, I'd like to do all I can to help you win. My efforts to make this easy for you have resulted in the "benefits of EDNA summary" on our website.

EDNA (if you haven't noticed yet) is in a way, a part of a movement. That movement is about taking back control of our lives from people in power. That control has reigned over us in many forms: our money, our labor, our education, our freedoms to come and go do and say as we will (even when these things do no harm to others). That iron fist seeks to tighten around our throats, and does all it can to preserve itself. The truth of it is, that fist knows with every fiber of its being if we broke free of its' grasp it would surely be doomed. Those that use violence against others - naturally assume others would use violence against them if others were free to do so. This is why the fist believes it must tighten at all cost... it is deeply afraid.

Since the time of kings and queens (even long before that) subjugation has been "Job One" for those in power. The evidence is clear (@reallygraceful has some of the goods), they want control of your DNA - even more so knowledge and understanding of the very mysteries of life itself contained therein. The fist wants these things for itself. It's not into sharing.

EDNA is here to help break its grasp.
And we will - if you just join us.
Put a value on that.

Your humble friend,

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