EDNA Interviews new CEO


Hello Friends,
Hope everyone in the states is enjoying a fine holiday. If you're not in the states, hope you celebrate a bit with us. Victories on the side of freedom are worth remembering.

Recently, thanks to the fine efforts the excellent people at the executive search firm Harrison Frazer in London, I had the pleasure of meeting a very fine gentleman, and to discuss with him the future of EDNA. For now, I will need to refer to him as Mr. X since he is currently the CEO of a rather significant biotechnology corporation and for obvious reasons need to stay on the down-low, it's all very cloak and dagger and exciting (at least for me).

I will confess, as a self-taught programmer/geneticist and one who always preferred libraries and labs over lecture halls, I found his academic credentials a bit intimidating. Mr. X has led startup ventures that have resulted in successful multi-national corporations, played significant roles in some of the mega-corps we all know by name, collected and led large groups of PhD scientists within innovative and realized projects in Human DNA.

In brief, I saw (and see) Mr. X as the prefect real-world match to my ethereal dream of securing the power, freedom and scientific advancement of genetic information for the people that it belongs to, while we strive for the goal to end human suffering.

My second confession is that about 20 minutes into the interview I was growing concerned that Mr. X would shred my science. I was near certain at any second he'd inform me that I had failed to consider some game-ending aspect of the process or point out a gap in the existing technology that would signal the utter defeat of the project and the extinction level event for EDNA.

That moment never came.

Instead, I heard these words... "Your science is sound and your project has potential to seriously change things in a big way for the better ... I want to be a part of this."

Wow! Validation. It still makes me grin thinking about that moment when years of research, dreams, invention and unguided creation were suddenly confirmed as achievable by a seriously grounded, impressively credentialed and industry acknowledged expert.

^ Hops around like a little kid ^

A dozen moments later, as the conversation rolled on, I glanced down at Mr. X's resume on my desk and suddenly felt like throwing up. There it was in black and white. He had done a stint in his far past in what I consider to be one of the dens of evil-doers in the genetic world. He had worked for THEM. (probably not the them your're thinking of, but a "them" none-the-less).

Was he covertly here as a corporate spy?... or worse to find a way to shut us down? How am I going to deal with this elephant that just broke down the door and walked in?

Then the universe provided a direction - Test Him! So I did...

"Mr. X, I have to say I'm very grateful for the time you've spent discussing our project, your insights and validations have been extremely beneficial, but I have to be honest with you, I just don't see a fit here. Technically you're perfect for us, however EDNA is a disruptive force and we have no intention of deviating from, or compromising with that core value. You on the other hand, are very grounded in the established system. Frankly, I don't think you're enough of a rebel to lead this effort.

^ pin drop silence ^

After a moment Mr. X replied...

"A few months back, my wife witnessed a crime. It was a serious crime in a major city. The detective interviewing her pulled out a collection kit and asked for her DNA. She called me to ask what she should do. I told her under no circumstances should she comply. Not only did he need a warrant to collect it, but even if he had one we would fight it tooth-and-nail in the courts. Now if this sort of thing can almost happen to wife of a person who's spent his career in genetics, what kind of bad goings-on are happening to the regular people on the street? No, it's time for a project like EDNA and I don't need to be a rebel to join in - I just need to do what's right."

So much for the elephant.

So where we stand now with Mr. X is a matter of funding. He want's in, and he's fully capable of making EDNA a success. All we really need to make EDNA a full blown reality is get our tokens listed. When a value is established by the market, we can show sufficient reserves to get Mr. X over on the side of the white-hats, over on the side of Humankind - not corporate-kind. Truly exciting.. and so close I can taste it!

And so we arrive at the bottom line... one step from the moment of truth.

Hundreds of millions of EDNA Tokens are in peoples hands... We are inches away from swinging-wide open the front doors and letting the world know Human DNA belongs to Humans!

We only lack a market, where the value of the project can be set... Finding one has been more challenging than I expected (like every other step in the birth of EDNA)... But as you know if you've been following us, I'm not one to give up that easy. Yesterday I sent the following email to the good folks at Open ledger. I would ask for just a bit more of your time to have a look-see.

Hello Open Ledger,

My name is Greg Simpson, founder of a Block-chain project focusing on ownership rights of Human DNA called EDNA.

EDNA has begun our Airdrop, and currently all holders of 1,000 or more EOS in the EOS Authority Genesis Snapshot have their Tokens. We expect to complete the drop by end of month which includes all holders of 100 or more, plus those with less than 100 who register on our site.

Currently 954,571,326 EDNA's are in circulation, with 241,500,000 in EDNA cold storage. and 1.3 billion max (zero inflation)

Here's the part we think you might be interested in...

Currently 292,461,579 EDNA's are "undeliverable" as the EOS they are earmarked for are on exchanges that have not replied to requests to support the EDNA Drop.

I would like to offer some percentage of these coins to Open Ledger as a donation. We would likely do this over a spread out time period. One purpose of the donation might be to attract new customers to Open Ledger (especially for the customers of other exchanges who are not supporting EOS Airdrops for their users).

I have given the Exchanges roughly till the end of the month to confirm support for our token or forfeit what rightly belongs to their customers. After that time has elapsed, we had planned to burn the undelivered - however this morning the thought occurred to me, we could create a win-win-win for EDNA, a distributed exchange and our token users simply by donating them to a good distributed exchange who would get them into human hands.

Some further information on the topic at hand is available at https://edna.life/tokens and https://edna.life/airdrop

If you would care to discuss this further - please let me know.


Here is where I ask for your help. If you're an Open Ledger customer (or might become one) please write them and encourage them to consider my offer. You're not just doing this to help me or even the project... You're doing this to help everyone the project might help in the future. Their email is support@openledger.info

I'm grateful for your readership, and grateful knowing it's alright to ask for your help - you wouldn't be reading this if it wasn't.

Till next time,

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