EDNA Announces Blockchain-DNA Sequencing Reservations


EDNA is pleased to announce you can now reserve your place in line to get your DNA sequenced by EDNA-LABS.

A 100% confidential, safe and anonymous process, you will never compromise your identity using this service, because EDNA neither collects or accepts any personal information. All we need to process your DNA, and place the only keys to that data in your sole possession, is the EOS Mainnet account name where you want it stored (and some spit).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Reserving your place in line does not commit you to using our service, it only guarantees that when the time comes you will be offered the service based on first come first serve order of the blockchain record. When EDNA-LABS is fully operational, we will return your 1 EDNA with a memo pointing you to sign-up instructions.

Please also be aware that according to our road-map we are still several months from Blockchain-DNA, however we are planning sequencing lab expansion and upgrades, and the best way to know how much capacity to invest in, is to know in advance the size of our waiting list. So, reserving your spot today helps us help you.

As Always, Thank you for supporting EDNA!

The process is simple:

Just send 1 EDNA Token to the "ednaseqqueue" account to reserve your place. If you want to reserve multiple slots for friends, family members, or your entire hometown; Just change the number of tokens from 1 to the number of reservations you want to hold.

In Cleos the command would be:

cleos --url https://api.eosnewyork.io:443 push action ednazztokens transfer '["your account","ednaseqqueue","1.0000 EDNA","reserve"]' -p your account

Any other wallet that supports Mainnet Token transfers will work as well, just don't forget to add the 4 zeros after the decimal.

Don't have EDNA Tokens yet?
You can buy some using EOS from our friends at the DEXEOS.IO exchange.
You won't need to sign up for an account or even go though KYC if you have Scatter Installed.

Don't have Scatter yet?
You really should try this trusted and amazing code to keep your private keys off-line while managing your accounts, and Scatter everything you do.

Don't have an EOS Account yet?
Sheesh...Island-castaway much?
Not to worry, the amazing guys at EOS Lynxs got you covered. Check out their iOS and Android solution to this embarassing situation.

Depending on your situation you may need to first get an account using the app from EOS Links, then Install Scatter and finally visit the exchange to grab an EDNA Token (or 20).

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