This Week at Cypherglass — Infrastructure Team Update — May 27th, 2019

It’s been an exciting weekend going into what should be an exciting week for EOS. The prices of crypto have been on a tear this weekend, with EOS leading the way. At the time of this writing EOS is sitting at 7.67 USD per token. The dark days of cryptowinter are becoming a distant memory. You will forever be able to tell your friends that you are one of the HODLers that never lost the faith.

This past week we dropped a couple spots on the BP rankings from 29 to 31. We are incredibly thankful for the 97.6M votes that we have received, and will continue to host rock solid infrastructure and promote EOS around the world. Speaking of around the world, we are getting super excited about the Block.One event happening in Washington DC this week. Rob, James and Rick from our team will be there representing Cypherglass. Word on the street is that the B1 announcement is going to be a social platform release. There are many other rumors swirling around, especially since B1 just bought 3.3 million EOS worth of RAM. Check out the live Everything EOS broadcast if you have a chance… It’s going to be fascinating to see what happens this week, and as the voice of EOS in the west, Cypherglass will make sure you are up to date on all the news.

Everyone loves hearing about infrastructure, so let’s get down to it.

• We finished applying security patches to all of our machines. You can never be too diligent about keeping security updated.

• We upgraded from v1.8.0-rc1 to v1.8.0-rc2 which required a snapshot. The documentation from Block.One was excellent and made things go smoothly.

• We are continuing with some pretty big infra changes that are definitely going to improve the performance of our gear.
• They include faster processors and greater bandwidth. Stay tuned.

• We are digging into some cool options on changing the way we do load balancing.

Let’s hope the crypto prices and EOS especially continue on their scorching pace.

Let’s make it a great crypto summer and go EOS!!!

— The Cypherglass Infrastructure Team

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