Fly with crypto-pilots: proxy your votes!

EOS governance is tricky and voting for bps is about more than just block production, it's determining the direction of the EOS blockchain as a whole: adaptions via referenda, setting the rate of inflation, REX implementation, dispute resolution and much more is to be decided.


Crypto Pilots as a community of crypto enthusiasts and content creators, is blockchain agnostic, but we do quite like DPOS systems and many of us following updates of this blockchain closely.
With our focus on high quality content creation we also aim to further the crypto-knowledge of the broader public and give the community a voice and therefore decided to launch a proxy-service:

The Crypto Pilots Voting Proxy

How proxying works

If you dont have time, to research bps, their performance and stances on governance matters, you can delegate your voting power to a trusted party, the proxy. The proxy then can vote on your behalf, with your vote power, but you stay in full control of the token propser.

Here is a excellent summary covering all aspects of proxy voting

The proxy votes based on these criteria.

Core criteria operations

  • High level block production
  • Regional diversity
  • Financial independence

Core criteria policy making

  • Acting with a focus on strengthening and further building the EOS ecosystem
  • Transparency and open communication
  • Focus to balance freedom and prevention of fraud, abuse and other harm to the network.
  • We will regularly evaluate those criteria, and see how bps rank and evaluate voting.

Want to know more, here are two excellent ressources :

EOS Authority Proxy Analytics
Aloha EOS Proxy Information

Hope you consider to set pilotsvoting as your proxy. Just ask us if you have any question!

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