Who are your Top 21 EOS BP Really?

EOS Block Producers Ownership Disclosure

by @controllinghand a member of the EOS BP Compliance data/research team
As of 7/17/2018
Update 7/19/2018 Staying Positive Focus on the best

It's been a fun ride watching the EOS community launch. One of the most important aspects of the EOS launch is selecting the top 21 Block Producers. There are many factors to consider when selecting a Block Producer that can be found here: https://github.com/controllinghand/minbpcreq/blob/master/MinimumBPCRequirements.md

But, for today we are going to focus in on Ownership Disclosures.

I will be recognizing the best of the best.
*Those BPs that include an ownership disclosure with some verbiage around the list of all ultimate beneficial owners names or business associations including all direct shareholders. And includes percentage break downs with ownership greater than 10%

Excellent Rating

EOS New York : Link to Disclosure

EOS Authority: Link to Disclosure

Sw/eden: Link to Disclosure

EOS Amsterdam: Link to Disclosure

eosDAC: Link to Disclosure Note that the constitution spells out in details

EOS Cafe Calgary: Link to Disclosure

EOSfishrocks: Link to Disclosure


  • 7 Excellent BPs should be commended out of the Top 21.

Let's be fair

I understand that not all BPs know that the EOS community wants this information. And I also understand that there are some language barriers. If you are a BP and you want me to correct this information, please feel free to reach out to me and I would be more than happy to correct.

Skeptical Truth Seeker

My Profile captured on the EOS Blockchain
validated here
thanks to EOSTitan

Special thanks to AlohaEOS who I used to collect this data

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