Rating your top 21 EOS BPs by Global Disbursement

How distributed are the top 21 EOS BP nodes really?

by @controllinghand a member of the EOS BP Compliance data/research team and EOS WATCHDOGS member
As of 7/17/2018
Update 7/19/2018 Staying Positive Focus on the best

The following data was pulled from the BPs json file.

Hello my fellow EOS friends. Here is yet another report I put together. I hope that these reports will help you in the future when you go to vote for your favorite EOS Block Producers. This is just one of many criteria that you should take into consideration when voting. If you missed my post on BP Ownership Disclosure please feel free to read this here: https://steemit.com/eos/@controllinghand/who-are-your-top-21-eos-bp-really

Ok let's get into it.

What is Global Disbursement

The quick and dirty explanation is, having all of the block producing nodes spread out all over the world. This way if there is a local outage for any number of reasons the EOS block chain will still be available. I think we all want this? right?

Let's Look at the world landscape

Here is the current landscape of the world by continent and by population

Let's start Rating our 21 EOS BPs based on Global Disbursement

Before we begin we need to define a few things.

  1. Global Disbursement of these nodes by Continent. For sake of argument we will break this down into 7 continents.
    North America
    South America
    Australia & Oceania
    BP's that have nodes on a Continent that other's don't get a better rating.
  2. Look at where the nodes are by country.
    BP's that have nodes that are in countries that others aren't get a better rating.
  3. Total nodes that make up the current EOS BPs and how many each BP has.
    BP's that have many nodes that span Continents and Countries get a better rating.

Currently we have a total of 41 Block Producing nodes

Here is how they are currently distributed

You see the following in this chart
Asia has 16
North America has 11
Europe has 10
South America has 4
Australia & Oceania have ZERO
Africa has ZERO
Antarctica has ZERO

So if you are a BP and you want a better rating you might consider placing some nodes where others aren't?
Here are how we will break down the points for the BPs

  • 1 point for Asia
  • 2 points for North America and Europe
  • 3 points for South America

Let's look at Countries next

Here is how they are currently distributed

Canada has 6
Great Britain has 5
Japan has 5
USA has 5
Brazil has 3
Israel has 3
Singapore has 3
China has 2
Korea has 2
Romania has 2
Sweden has 2
Argentina has 1
Netherlands has 1
Thailand has 1
So if you are a BP and you want a better rating you might consider placing some nodes where others aren't?
Here are how we will break down the points for the BPs

  • 1 point for Canada, Great Britain, Japan, USA
  • 2 points for Brazil, Israel, Singapore
  • 3 points for China, Korea, Romania, Sweden, Argentina, Netherlands, Thailand

Let's look at the number of nodes each BP has

Here are how we will break down the points for the BPs

  • 1 point for one node
  • 2 points for two nodes
  • 3 points for three or more nodes

Let's total up the points

Summary of rankings

We have 5 BPs that are Excellent

Excellent Rankings

EOS Argentina

Please let me know your thoughts and if you have any suggestions


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