EOS - STEEMIT relation from LEAN STARTUP point of view

An important Steemit-EOS relation issues was addressed in Recent @benjojo post "EOS - Should Steemit.inc take a position on all our behalf?"

If you have read anything about EOS, then you may have concluded that it just might present a significant threat to our young Steem network and economy... 

 ... someone could very easily launch a Steem competitor with EOS... 

  ...They may even attempt to split our community by offering one thing and another in order to poach network effect and create disharmony within steem.

There are some important cross dependencies between EOS and Steemit. I'm going to use Lean startup analogy and terminology so my previous post  "LEAN STARTUP as a criteria for DAPP blockchain platform selection" could be useful for understanding.  For deep understanding it's necessary to read Eric Ries's fantastic book "LEAN STARTUP".

Key factor for understanding  is that both sides came out from BUILD-MEASURE-LEARN-FEEDBACK loop.

DAN's position. Dan was CTO of the Steemit management. He resigned and started new EOS project. From the Lean startup point of view he solved his PIVOT OR PERSEVERE dilemma and made ZOOM OUT pivot. This is the case when what was considered the whole product (Steem blockchain platform) becomes a single feature of a much larger product (EOS).

Dan lost customer feedback (MEASURE-LEARN-FEEDBACK part of the loop). He announced some fantastic EOS features like enabling vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications and easy upgrades (various fork situations).  But EOS can't be developed and released without proof of concept. For such a thing it is necessary to migrate at least one real blockchain with huge number of users and transactions to EOS platform. Steem is the best possible candidate. Alternative is maybe Ripple of Factom but they have their own way. 

Dan can try to make proof of concept with some small alternative (other social network blockchain or anything else) but that would not be legitimate. This should be proven in real environment. For example for me it's not legitimate to scale from 1,000 to 50,000 users but from 200,000 to 20,000,000 users.

Easy upgrades can't be tested in laboratory conditions with sumulated fork situations but only in real blockchain development life cycle. Easy upgrade is essence of engine of growth. So It's necessary to deal with realistic growth obstacles and proofs declared assertion. Therefore EOS real proof of concept must take at least 6 months. Of course, this can also be done  without serious proof of concept but the price will be paid later. 

Steemit position. Steemit management still persists on previous strategy but they lost growth engine (BUILD part of the loop). Irrespective  of recent growth of number of users Dan's departure was a big obstacle for growth. I think  they will face off  in near future with  at least two PIVOT or PERSEVERE dilemmas:

1. Technology pivot (stay on course, new development platform or migrate to EOS),

2. Engine of growth pivot (uncertain stagnation or migrate to EOS)

They could choose another development platform but it would be a waste of time. Yes, someone could very easily launch a Steem competitor with EOS but it will happen at least for a year. I got the impression that Steemit management wants full or maximum possible control over Steem project just like McDonald brothers (watch Founder movie). Situation about Piston web GUI interface is another good example. For my stand point of view it's better to  have few magnitudes bigger market capitalization than full control over project. 


Best for both sides would be renewal of BUILD-MEASURE-LEARN-FEEDBACK loop and new deal.

Steemit will be get it again growth engine. When it grows to 20 million users (partly during test period and proof of concept) it will not matter anymore that someone else could start social network on EOS. 

Dan will get it again customer feedback. That is necessary for serious proof of concept environment, deployment of MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT, and sustainable growth of his platform. 

Community split is worst case scenario and I believe it will not happen. Ahead of both sides is mother of all PIVOT or PERSEVERE dilemmas:


Therefore, the active role of the Steem community is now very important.

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