Breaking News: EOS Nottingham has become EOS UK


What’s in a name?

When we started our candidacy project we began by following the naming convention of our peers and used our region name as part of our candidacy name EOS Nottingham. However, as the project evolved and gathered momentum what we were not prepared for was the groundswell of enthusiasm from the community, far and wide, looking to get involved.

So, having met two distinctly different groups in Manchester, namely Manchester University Blockchainers and the Manchester Meetups group and aligned our interests, this was quickly followed by two other alliances with the Shinytastic group from Maidenhead in Berkshire and the Survey Galaxy team from Hampton Court in Kingston Upon Thames. We’ve also had interest from groups in Shrewsbury and Stoke on Trent, and all of a sudden we realised we were quickly reaching out far beyond our initial geographic location of Nottingham.

Therefore this post is to officially announce the change of our Block Producer candidate name from EOS Nottingham to EOS UK. The legal entity behind EOS UK is still Advanta Productions Limited, which is the company we have been running for over 12 years. Advanta provides web app development and Internet solutions which has given us valuable technical, and real-world business experience, ideal to providing a robust Block Producer service to the EOS network.

Please note this is an excerpt of the full post on

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