exchange and eps block explorer form strategic partnership where newdex trading is now inside website

You can try the new newdex inside bloks feature here on which i use anyway to view various eos balances and tokens, but now I can save time just seeing my newdex balances and markets inside the site! Everything in eos becomes so fast and easy unlike ethereum which has been absconded for dapps and is now just used as a backup to Bitcoin.

EOS has completely replaced ethereum for its primary function which is to run dapps, while Ethereum has been reduced to just another high marketcap faster cheaper Bitcoin with unlimited supply and a bunch if vaporware planned while Eos already accomplished everything ethereum is still struggling to even test.

That high ethereum marketcap is only there from 2017 when they successfully got enough bitcoiners to switch due to the "flippening" which never happened. But when Bitcoin starts to clog up and get expensive and slow and ethereum ends up the same, then we will see people switching to eos just to get instant fast transactions. We will see companies actually USING eos for actual transactions and business and si we will get real investors to buy EOS because it does what it promised while ethereum just acts like bitcoin when it was SUPPOSED to be for running dapps. Being cheaper and faster than bitcoin is no use case especially when eos is FREE and near INSTANT at under 1 second confirmation times so we have no reason to ever use ethereum in the future except as just another litecoin, something people use when bitcoin is too expensive... but guess what? Btc will scale using EOS which will act like one big blockchain powered lightening network.... thus we end up bitcoin congestion going down and people in bitcoin LOVING EOS for helping making it fast and free!

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