EOSed.info Mockup Challenge

In response to Officialfuzzy latest post

Hello EOSed.info team. I'm glad to finally have put on graphics my ideas. A big thanks to Lenny for helping out with his artistic photoshop skills (i use paint :P ). Here are my preliminary Mockup designs for the education platform.
We can discuss them in more detail in the meeting. I hope you all enjoy the design. Plz, don't hesitate to comment and propose changes.

1 - Landing Page.jpg
1 - Landing Page2.jpg
2 - News and Content.png
3 - EOS Bootcamp 1.jpg
4 - EOS Bootcamp 2.jpg
5 - EOS Bootcamp 3 or content info.jpg
6 - All EOS Links.jpg

These Mockup Designs have been created by Lenny Goudreault and Vincent Grenier from EOS Nation
They are the preliminary designs.

PLZ comment and propose changes.

Thanks, everyone for contributing.

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