What You Should NOT Recycle!

Many of us "recyclers" have good intentions, but some of us are actually the reason why there is high contamination to the batch of recycled glass, paper, and plastics. After being contaminated, the entire batch would be soiled...in other words the materials will be sent to the landfills instead of being recycled.

Here are the things you should NOT recycle:

1. Ceramics (i.e. coffee cups, plates)

They're problematic because many people recycle them with glass; however, they're quite harmful to the glass-making process since even a small amount of ceramics can weaken the glass. Not only would the batch of glass would be wasteful, but this also causes the glass-maker millions.

2. Glass or plastics contaminated with stones, dirt, and food waste.

Never recycle something with food waste or other contamination. It's simple: clean it before recycling! A half-finished soda will contaminate a whole bale of plastic

3. Pyrex (heat-resistant glass) and mixed colors of broken glass

4. Crystals

5. Mirror or window glass

6. Plastic caps, lids, and BAGS

I didn't know this either, but apparently plastic bags can shut down an entire recycling plant. Grocery stores often collect them in barrels, so either reuse the plastic bags or turn them in to the stores.

7. Metal

8. Large appliances (i.e. refrigerators)

9. Fire alarms, smoke alarms, detectors

10. Microwaves

To recycle things like light bulbs and Cathode-ray tubes (CRTs), please visit http://www.wm.com/thinkgreen/what-can-i-recycle.js...

Important note: Do NOT throw compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) in the trash. If it breaks, then people can be exposed to the harmful metal. Contact your municipal solid waste agency on how to recycle or place the bulbs in a CFL recycling kit and the mailman will come and ship them to Waste Management

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