BE Conscious, not a Consumer!

BE Conscious, not a Consumer!

We all need things to survive – from food to shelter to love and so on. To consume, or otherwise obtain what we need is a vital part of our existence. In itself, consumption is not a problem.

The problem with our culture lies in the acceptance of excessive consumption and ignorance of our waste. Unconscious people are not mindful of their choices. It is the definition of being unconscious; not aware of one's reality. This results in countless things being thrown away that are still perfectly fine.

While our Mother Earth provides for us immense abundances, nature is efficient. If our ancestors were not efficient with what they had, they soon found ourselves without. Today, this is not the case for the majority of people. People can be as wasteful as they want, so long as they have enough money to cover the loss. This results in a living, breathing, global system which is actively destroying the environment, and ourselves with it! Something has to change!

That's what Love Cycle is all about! Recycling, upkeeping, and reusing the things that would otherwise be thrown to the wayside while providing education about how to be more conscious with our choices.

Most of us are born into a lifestyle where waste is acceptable. It is inevitable: Babylon scars us all. There is no shame in where we come from; what matters is we take our role as stewards of the planet seriously and grow towards a way of being which is more harmonious with the environment and each other.

Change does not happen instantly. We are not trying to get people to jump into a lifestyle that is uncomfortable to them, or difficult to currently maintain. We want people to simply take into consideration the effects of some of their actions.

Could we be more mindful of what we are doing with our trash? If you own a garden, composting food waste is a great way to reduce the amount going to landfills while providing your garden with the food it needs to thrive!

Do we really need to buy new things all the time? Buying used is an excellent way to minimize our collective ecological footprint and save some money in the process. Sometimes you will find items which have barely been touched. Remember, in a culture of waste, there are people who cycle through new products like clockwork. Help minimize the waste of our cousins and save some money ourselves!

Is that item really broken? Some people will toss something at the first sign that it's not functioning perfectly. So much waste could be reduced with a little handiwork. Always research things that are broken to find out if there is a simple way to fix it.

A little change here and there adds up; especially when people across the globe make the same, simple choices!

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