"What all matters"by:ISBN

You have a perfect life. Family,friends,money,work,good looks,god,attitude and partner in life. Yes! You've all. We can't reach you. Your perfect! Head to toe. In and out. Your perfect! You always work hard so you can buy whatever you want. But the time comes you abuse yourself. Your not contented what you have. You want more that's way everyone who nears at you "TO GOOD TO BE TRUE" and specially who downs or poor of you,you treated them as a danger,idiot and poverty people. You think it was good? And do you think that achievement do you have was good for you? By bullied someone. You bullied yourself too. You make yourself a satan. You abuse the power that god gaves you. The special power he gaves was in all mess.

This statement was all about. "What is really happened on earth now a days!" The people who make there lives success but they never mind who downs on them. They corrupt,they abuse and they make people slaves because of there ranks in life.

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