💧How can we take care of the water?

Everyone, regardless of where we live, is responsible for the use we give to water, an indispensable resource for life. Most of the world is made up of water, but only about 2.5% is suitable for human consumption, so we should start to value it now.

We can start from our home. Caring for water at home will help us to appreciate it and not waste it as many of us are used to. If you have clean water at home, you should be deeply grateful for it, since millions of people around the world do not have the same luck, and have to travel miles to get it and enjoy its consumption.

Unfortunately in countries with low resources, water is very scarce, and the water that is obtained is usually contaminated. This is extremely risky because deadly diseases can be transmitted through it.

Tips to conserve water

There are many methods that can be used to save water, so let's put them into practice to have a better consumption of this important resource, encourage their care and make the world a better place for everyone.

How can we take care of water in the home?

  • Do not leave the bobbin open while we brush our teeth.

  • Use buckets of water to wash the vehicles.

  • Take shorter baths and do not leave the tap open while we lather or shampoo.

  • If we have a garden at home, we must water it in the morning or in the evening to prevent the water from evaporating.

  • Fix faucets that have leaks.

  • Use a deep dish that can be used to wash fruit or vegetables and recycle water for garden plants.

  • We have the responsibility to explain to the children of the house about the good consumption of water, so that they also contribute to their care.

  • We can take advantage of the rain water to water our plants.
    By using less hot water, we will save water and energy.

  • Avoid pressing the toilet button unnecessarily.

What better place than our home to learn to conserve this valuable resource. Its responsible consumption contributes to the fact that the next generations also achieve this indispensable means to live.

How can we take care of water at school?

  • Close the bobbin while not soaping your hands, and make sure it does not drip when finished.

  • Do not use the bathrooms as garbage cans. Let's find the trash cans and deposit the waste there, never in the toilet, everything in its place.

  • If we observe that there is an open tap, let's close it.

  • In case there is a water leak, it must be reported immediately to someone with authority to solve the problem as soon as possible.

  • If our friends are playing with water, let's get courage and ask them to stop doing it.

  • Let us not allow the fear of being mocked by us for helping to care for water to paralyze us and make us give up this great responsibility. Caring for water depends on each and every one of us.

It is of vital importance that schools promote the responsible use of water, since from childhood it is important to train ourselves in an environment that helps to conserve and value the indispensable resources for life.

How to take care of water in hotels, restaurants or industries?

If we have any responsibility in any of them, it is important to follow the following tips.

  • Put water-saving items in bathrooms, kitchens, and bathtubs, this way you will avoid wasting water and collaborate to reduce its use.

  • Placing banners or posters that promote the proper use of water in the hotel rooms, bathrooms, kitchen and in the places that we believe are pertinent, so both the staff of the place and the users will use this resource responsibly.

  • Prepare the cleaning and maintenance staff so that they do not waste water in the work they must do and recycle everything they can.

As we have seen, the large consumers of drinking water also have a huge responsibility in the good consumption and care of water.

Conserving the environment is everybody's job

This wonderful world that we have, full of beautiful landscapes, offers us all those natural resources necessary to live and is inhabited with more than 8 billion people. However, unfortunately many still did not realize how important it is to preserve our environment.

We are guilty of the great deterioration that the planet is suffering, and we are living the consequences of it. So we must begin to be responsible and protect our beloved home.

Avoiding the felling of trees and forests is one of the biggest problems: the irrational burning of shrubs causes serious damage to the environment. They provide us with oxygen, so when we burn them we contribute to killing ourselves little by little, so that we take care of the trees and look for ways to plant them.

  • Plant shrubs or plants in our homes.

  • Create an organic garden at home.

  • Avoid littering and waste in busy places, for this there are garbage cans and containers specially prepared to deposit them there.

  • Help the protection of animals in danger of extinction.

  • Save all the energy we can, avoid overusing the car, we can replace it with the bicycle or walk to our destination if it is not far away.

Images source: 1 2 3 4

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